For current measurements carried out during the
R.V. "Meteor" cruises nos. 3 and 15, Richardson cur-
rent meters (GV) of Messrs. Geodyne/USA were used in
the near-bottom and at the 1,000 m level, and depth
current meters (HVT) of Messrs. Hydrowerkstätten in
Kiel (see also Table 5) were used in the 600 to
800 m levels. During R.V. "Meteor" cruise no, 53,
Aanderaa equipment of Messrs. Aanderaa/Norway (see
Table 10) were used in addition to the Richardson
current meters.
The moorings during cruises 3 and 15 were laid
out by surface buoys, the mooring during cruise 553
was made without surface buoys in order to exclude
the influence of movements at the sea surface. The
buoyancy elements were so arranged that all the
parts of the moorings lay as vertical as possible,
and that sufficient residual buoyancy was present
in each section; so that —- in the case of an even-
tual severing of the mooring lines - at least indi-
vidual components could be salvaged. The take up of
the moorings took place during cruises 15 and 53 with
the aid of recovery equipment which were mounted in
pairs above the anchor weights and released after a
certain period or by receipt of an acoustic signal
sent out from the ship.
The processing of the current meter data took
place in three different ways. The films of the depth
current meter were read off manually, the data cali-
brated, checked, and corrected; on the other hand,
the films of the Geodyne equipment were read off and
processed by the manufacturer, the results were then
transferred to magnetic tape in Deutsches Hydrogra-
phisches Institut and corrections and improvements
were applied. The magnetic tapes of the Aanderaa
equipment were transferred over perforated tapes