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Full text: 45: Iberische Tiefsee : hydrographische und radiologische Untersuchungen ; FS "Meteor" - Fahrten Nr 3(1966), 15(1968), 21(1970), 29(1972), 33(1974)

The salinity was determined, either on board ship 
or in the land laboratory, with inductive salino- 
meters (Type: Autolab/Australia, and Beckman/USA) 
with the application of Copenhagen normal water and 
with the aid of the UNESCO tables. 
The CTD measurements were carried out during 
eruise 15 by an old type of bathysonde (T 87/1A4) - 
operational down to 2,000 m —- manufactured by 
Howaldtswerke in Kiel, and - during cruise 33 = 
with the Kieler Multisonde (Kroebel, 1973) = 
operational down to 5,000 m. For the recording and 
processing of the multisonde data, reference is made 
to Koltermann, Meincke, Müller, 1976. The T and S 
data gained were corrected (down to 2,000 m) with 
comparable measurements from comparison water sam- 
plers which were run simultaneously. As concerns the 
multisonde, in depths of > 2,000 m —- because of the 
want of water sampler data — the corrections were 
ascertained from a comparison with historical 
hydrographic cast data (T, S, 64). 
The corrections (Te and Sa) amount to:—- 
(a) For the bathysonde: 
To = = 0.002 * 0,056 K 
Sa = + 0.225 £ 0.040 °/oo 
(b) For the multisonde (below 2,000 m): 
To = + 0.069 £ 0.033 K 
So = - 0.108 * 0.041 °/oo 
To illustrate the errors and margins of error 
which occurred, a comparison of the non-corrected 
bathysonde data of cruise 15 and all historical 
data (DOD Hamburg) available from the region is 
given in Fig. 12: the historical data are compared, 
in Fig. 80, with the non-corrected values of the 
Kieler Multisonde,

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