No hydrographical investigations were planned
for cruise no, 29 (1972); only a CTD was run shortly
before each radiological station in order to be able
to take the depth range of the highly saline water,
originating from the Mediterranean Sea, for specifi«
cation of the sampler depths,
The question of the movement processes in the
region of the Iberia Abyssal Plain was first resumed
once again during cruise no, 33 (1974). Three moorings
with current meters in the 100 m to 150 m depth range,
at different levels of the highly saline water origin-
ating from the Mediterranean Sea, and in the region
of the deep sea (4,500 to 5,300 m) were set out in
the dumping area for radioactive wastes (42° N to
43° N, 14° W to 15° W) for 20, resp. 35, days. In
addition, hydrographic casts and CTD measurements
were taken in the whole of the region between the
Bay of Biscay, the Azores, and the outlet of the
Mediterranean Sea: that is, far to the South and West
of the dumping area, in order to track the spreading
of the Mediterranean Sea water, Fig. 81 shows a crosS-
section (temperature and salinity) in the northerl1y
part; this Figure was placed at our disposal by Dipl.
0z. Gerd Wegner (DWK). Frequently, hydrographic casts
or CTIDs were also run at the same positions at dif-
ferent times, in order to get some idea of the temporal
difference of the vertical temperature and salinity
B 1.2 Data acquisition and processing
Apart from the Nansen samplers, mainly plastic
reversing water samplers from Messrs. Hydro-Bios were
used for the hydrographic casts. The temperatures were
determined by standard reversing thermometers, and
were corrected with the respective calibration factors.