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Full text: 43: FFS "Walther Herwig". Fahrt Nr. 51 (6), Teil. 1 u. 2, 9.8.-23.9.1973. ICES-Expedition "Overflow '73". Seegebiet SE-Island: Chemie u. Hydrographie, Seegebiet Island-Grönland: Hydrographie (43)

Hydrography (M, Stein) 
The Bathysonde (CTD), Nansen samplers, XBT's, and 
the profiling current meter (PCM), were used to 
take the measurements. The profiler (PCM) could be 
run at 3 stations only (Stations 634, 635 and 641), 
The results of the Nansen measurements were used for 
a T/S analysis of the watermasses in the Iceland- 
Faero Ridge area, Some of these preliminary results 
have been used in this report in order to provide 
a detailed description of the CTD profiles, 
Certain selected CTD profiles are reproduced in 
Figs. 105 to 110, At Station 626 (Fig. 105) a large 
stratification in the upper layer was observed, Be- 
low 260 m, the water becomes homogeneousz the tempe- 
rature lies below 0 °c, the salinity is nearly con- 
stant (34.8%°/oo). 
Fig, 106 (Stat.,633) shows a profile which represents 
cold Polar water and Atlantic water, An almost 40 m 
thick surface layer (-1 °c<T< 0,8 °c; 
33 °/oo £ S £ 33.35 °/oo) was observed. At about 
90 m depth, temperature and salinity were more than 
6 °C and 35 °/oo respectively. The water column is 
nearly homogeneous down to the bottomz3 it consists 
of pure Atlantic water, 
On the East Greenland Shelf, Station 637, a large 
toothing of Polar and Atlantic water was found 
(Fig. 107). Here, the near-surface layer of cold 
Polar water is about 70 m thick, The temperature and 
salinity range between -1,5 °C £T< 0,8 °C and 
32 °/oo € S < 33.4 °/oo respectively. At 80 m water 
depth, the temperature and salinity values become 
more than 4 °C and 34.1 °/oo respectively. Down to 
200 m water depth, a comparatively warm, stratified,

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