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Full text: 43: FFS "Walther Herwig". Fahrt Nr. 51 (6), Teil. 1 u. 2, 9.8.-23.9.1973. ICES-Expedition "Overflow '73". Seegebiet SE-Island: Chemie u. Hydrographie, Seegebiet Island-Grönland: Hydrographie (43)

The ship's drift is still contained in the dimensions 
DIR and VEL, The position-finding was carried out by 
LORAN-A, the accuracy of which amounted to only £% 1 
n mile in the area investigated, The ship's drift 
also lay in the same order of magnitude during a 
profile measurement, so that consideration of it would 
furnish no, more exact, current velocity profiles, 
The path and direction of the drift, as well as the 
wind which prevailed at that time, can be taken from 
Table 1, 
In order to obtain as much uniformity of the figures 
as possible, the same scales for all parameters are 
used for all the stationsz although it was sometimes 
necessary, thereby, to vary the ranges of pressure, 
temperature- and, in part,also those of the salinity. 
In order to provide a better means of comparison, on 
each individual figure page there are always shown the 
same two stations of each of the three complete cycles 
of the course (e,.g. 001, 002 and 011, 012 and 021, 022). 
By this means, the stations not evaluated are easy to 
As one can extract from any two pressure values in 
succession, the sinking speed of the instrument not 
only changed from station to station but also from 
depth to depth3 it 1lay between some tenths of a metre 
and 20 metres per minute, The main reason for which are 
the 1ocal variations in water density3z3 for example, as 
at station 022, A further reason for the different 
sinking velocities is the changing of the horizontal 
and/or vertical water movements, As an example: the 
decrease of horizontal current velocity at Station 
042 is connected with an increase in the sinking 
velocity, in spite of the fact that stable layering 
was present, In other cases, such as at Station 003 — 
for example, the sinking velocity becomes faster where 
there is increasing horizontal velocity, This behaviour 
can be explained by the horizontal and vertical move- 
ments of the series wire, induced by the ship's ariftine

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