' 4
voyage are contained in the "OVERFLOW-Inventory",
OVERFLOW Contribution No, 18, ICES Oceanographic
Data Lists and Inventories No, 29,
The silicate and phosphate values of the three
cycles (in each case sections 2 and 6);the oxygen
values of the first and third cycles (1likewise
sections 2 and 6)jthe hydrographical and chemical
data from the thre: permanent stations3; as well as
the whole of the current profile data of the first
section of the voyage are shown in the Data Report
presented; furthermore, the hydrographical data of
the second section of the voyage are also contained
The temperature, salinity, density, and oxygen data
obtained by the French working group (COB, Brest)
during the first section of the voyage, are published
in the series "Contribution No. 384 du Döpartement
Scientifique, Centre Oceanologique de Bretagne",
At present it is not intended to publish in Data
Reports the biological data gained during the
"OVERFLOW" Expedition,
We wish to thank the Bundesministerium für Landwirt-
schaft und Forsten (Federal Ministry of Agriculture
and Forestry) for generously placing the FRV " Walther
Herwig" at our disposal, and for its friendly
support during the preparrtions for the "OVERFLOW
'73" Expedition.
We also owe thanks to Captain E, Lüttkemann and
his Crew, for the nav.ical help during the seien-
tific work.
We are also indebted to Mr, P, Kempe for his
assistance in the processing of the data and the
preparation of the graphs, Finally, we are grate-
ful to Mr, O0, Höntzsch for making several drawings,