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Full text: 41: WFS "Planet" 12.1.-30.3.1972. Seegebiet NW-Afrika. Strömung und Schichtung im Auftriebsgebiet von Nordwest-Afrika

E, Mittelstaedt (1973): 
G. Shaffer 
Tomczak,jr. u. G., Miosga 
On Stratification and Circulation 
in the Upwelling Area off 
Northwest Africa. 
SUEA Newsletter Vol.2, No.3, 31, 
Some Aspects Of The Circulation 
In The North-West African 
Upwelling Area Off Cap Blanc. 
Thetys 6 (1-2), 89, 
Hydrography and Currents in the 
Northwest African Upwelling Area 
between Cap Blanc and Cap Timiris, 
'to appear in Deutsche Hydrographisch 
The Spreading Of The Water Masses 
Of The Banc D'Arguin In The 
Upwelling Area Off The Northern 
Mauretanian Coast, 
‘Submitted to "Meteor"-Forsch, 
Ergebn. A). 
On the North West African Coastal 
Upwelling System, 
‘Submitted to "Meteor"-Forsch. 
Ergebn, A). 
(1975): The Sea Surface Temperature 
as Detected by Airborne Radiometer 
in the Upwelling Region off 
Jap Blanc, North-West Africa. 
‘Submitted to "Meteor"-Forsch. 
Ergebn, A).

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