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Full text: Jahresbericht 1961

Jahresbericht Nr. 16/1961 
work of the "Ständiger Ausschuß für die Rechtschreibung geographischer Na 
men" (Permanent Commission on the Correct Spelling of Geographic Names) with 
its seat in Bad Godesberg detailed lists were compiled of names of sea areas 
in German coastal regions of the North and Baltic Sea. 
In 1962 the two wreck-searching boats "Atair" and "Wega" are going to be 
replaced by two new vessels which will carry,the same names. 
The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the German Hydrographic Institute 
have together with Prof. Dr. Weinblum and the Typungsstelle set out the 
authorative plans for the design of a research vessel which is to be construct 
ed in 1962/1963 and financed by the Federal Ministry of the Interior. Half 
the time the vessel, which is of about 2 200 G.R.T., will be at the disposal 
of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the other half at the disposal of 
the German Hydrographic Institute, the latter of which is to operate the 
The German Hydrographic Institute has fostered good relations with a number 
of national organizations of shipping, science. and engineering as well as 
with international institutions. Amongst others it also took part in inter 
national discussions on hydrographic, oceanographic and geophysical problems, 
which is also demonstrated by the great number of meetings of experts and 
committees in which several colleagues of the German Hydrographic Institute 
participated as delegates and leaders of discussions. The G.H.I. took a partic 
ularly active part in the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission at Paris.

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