- Seite 102 -
Jahresbericht Hr. 16/1961
official routes of the North and Baltic Sea 20 new wreck positions could be
ascertained and 53 which were already known re-checked, and another 8 pos
itions searched for underwater obstructions. As in earlier years our sur
vey and research vessel "GauB" performed a number of research and experi
mental trips. The survey vessel "Süderoog" as well was put into operation
for several shorter tests and investigation trips.
It would have been unrealistic if in the year under review we had made
plans for a..larger oceanographic research project, though in the field of
oceanography as well as in geophysics a number of important activities were
partly continued according to routine and partly newly commenced. To make
mention of some: measurements by means of paddle wheel current meters in
the German Bight and Plensburger Fbrde; continuance of hydrographic observ
ations on 8 light vessels; special hydrographic investigations near the
Flensburg light vessel; investigations on the mixing processes in the North
Sea by applying new methods; collection of observation material with regard
to the question on oil contamination of the North Sea; measurements of the
displacement of sands; geophysical observations for registration and inter
pretation of the deeper grounds of the North Sea shelf; geological investig
ations of the inner German Bight. For fulfilling the task: "the supervision
of sea water for radioactivity" instruments were bought, partly for the use
on board and partly for laboratory purposes, calibrated, and tested, and in
different places of the North and Baltic Sea the first measurements carried
out with the result that the level of radioactivity does not exceed the nor
The revision of the "Atlas der Gezeitenstrome" for the North Sea, the
Channel, and the British waters, which was first published in 1957, was
continued,taking into consideration amongst others the results of paddle
wheel current measurements gathered by the G.H.I. The atlas is due to appear
in 1962 as a revised issue. The compilation of terms for a navigational
dictionary in co-operation with other respective authorities has made pro
gress. Special emphasis is placed on radar. The problem of whether it is
possible to use artificial earth satellites for navigation and survey pur
poses was still dealt with. Corrections were made in tide predictions of
the storm surge warning service and time service. The tide tables (2 volumes),
tide calendars of the German Bight (5 numbers) and the nautical yearbook
were issued in the usual manner.
In the field of nautical engineering a considerable lack of specialists
became noticeable, on the account of which deadline projects as well as
special tasks, the development of methods for testing, and research and test