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Full text: Jahresbericht 1963

Jahresbericht Ur. 18/1963 
Seite 110 - 
The centre of the chemical work lies in the inorganic analytic field. An 
apparatus has been developed by which all matter dissolved in the near sur 
face water and determinable by means of photometry can continuously be analys' 
ed quantitatively. Such an apparatus was successfully tested in the Irminger 
Sea for' dissolved inorganic phosphate. For the International Quaternary Map 
of Europe the drafts of two further sheets of the geologic representation of 
the bottom of the sea have been completed. Besides the routine ioe service, 
an introductory course for ice observations from airplanes was for the first 
time held in the GHI;- in the last winter the Bundeswehr undertook several 
flights to investigate the ice conditions. A scientific study of the inter 
relation between the summerly heat budget of a sea area and the formation 
of ice in the following winter will soon be published.

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