- Seite 109 -
The German Hydrographie Institute within the year 1963
corrections of the time signals have been published since the beginning of
that year with an accuracy of 0.001 seconds, nowadays reached by the group
of the most outstanding international time service institutes. The geomagnetic,
gravimetric, and seismic investigations of the North Sea sub-bottom structure
were continued in co-operation with the Bundesanstalt für Bodenforschung.
Besides SRV "GauB" and four cutters, a helicopter participated for the first
time in the refraction seismic measurements. Gravimetric instruments were
further developed and a disturbance chart constructed-for the south-eastern
North Sea after our own measurements. The electronic computer IBM 1620 has
excellently stood its test. l'or the most important tasks more than 40 tested
programmes are now.available. The major tasks covered the analysis and the
computation of the tides for the German North Sea ports, the computation of
hourly water levels for Cuxhaven, the computation of the ephemerides for the
Nautical Yearbook, the computation of the I0RAN hyperbolae for the area be
tween Greenland and Iceland, the computation of the hyperbolae for the North
British, English, and North Scottish DECCA chains in the North Sea area. The
Deeca-Hi-Bix systems were tested by the Head of the department Surveying in
co-operation with the representatives of the federal authorities concerned
for admission in coastal surveying. The funds allotted by the Volkswagen ✓
Werk made it possible to purchase an automatic photoplot and radar unit.
The oceanographic work mainly covered the area of the North and Baltic
Seas. SRV "GauB" performed three.research cruises: from the end of May until
the end of July bottom samples were taken off the coast of East Friesland
for geologic mapping purposes, with small distances between the stations.
In September the depth and intensity of the thermoclines were measured in
the central and northern Baltic and the influence of the autumnly cooling
on the dissolution of the layers investigated; this purpose served the tow
ing gear "Delphin" continuously recording the temperature and the pressure.
In October the colour tests were continued to study the mixing processes.
In co-operation with the Wasser- und Schifiahrtsdirektion Kiel and the Nas
ser- und Schiffahrtsamt Tonning a continuous current measurement was started
off the mouth of the river Eider; the stations shall be-maintained for one
year; besides this, current observations of a 15 days’ duration each were
supplied from seven stations in the north-eastern North Sea. Hydrographic
data were collected by the members of the GHI in eight German ports and by
voluntary assistants in overseas ports. The publication on the thermocline
of the North Sea is in print. The number of fixed stations recording the
motion of the sea near the coast was increased and instruments were developed
to register the sea during storm surges immediately in front of the dike and
the wave run-up on the dikes. The electronics of the towing gear "Delphin"
were improved and a tape recorder registration developed. Two new salino-
meters were tested and the salinity of almost 10,000 water samples determined.