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Full text: Jahresbericht 1965

The German Hydrographic Institute within the year 1965 
- Seite 133 
technical research work and the adjustment of compasses. - The experiments 
on the autobahn for investigating the effect of great accelerations on gyro 
compasses were continued. Similarly, this year under review was another step 
forward in the development of instruments for measuring the velocity of 
sound in water. The propane gas sources of navigation lights which for 
several weeks have to operate without maintenance on tows were subjected 
to a type test. The organic glasses which as colour disks in electrically 
operated navigation lights can be an improvement, are unsuited for oil 
lamps.' The type testing of magnetic compasses with auto-pilots was continued 
and G.H.I. type test numbers were assigned to the different instruments. 
The hitherto hired Hi-Fix system was purchased and prepared for the G.H.I. 
survey tasks. 
As to the fields of Geophysics and Astronomy, the radar photoplot was 
installed on MS "Atlantik" of the "Globus" shipping company for taking 
radar pictures from the west African coast with its many recently finished 
ports. As German contribution to the World Magnetic Survey, repeated 
measurements were performed at the geomagnetic secular stations. The G.H.I. 
undertook these measurements in north and west Germany. Since 1st January, 
the seconds signal has been emitted for 5 1/2 minutes via Worddeich radio 
at 12 a.m. and 12 p.m. MGT. Since the beginning of the year under review 
Kiel radio has been emitting the "Onogo" signal also at 12 a.m. By means 
of two cesium atomic clocks an American company compared the main clocks 
of important time services in Worth America and Europe with an accuracy of 
about one microsecond. The G.H.I. time service took part in this experiment 
which provided a very accurate determination of the effective propagation 
speed of short waves across the Atlantic. The preliminary studies of the 
psychological-physiological factors involved in the use of radar were 
completed. The stocks of the electronic computer were enlarged to 143 major 
programmes. In about 4 per cent, of all electronic computations the three- 
sign code was used. 
7 cruises of different duration into the North and Baltic Seas served 
oceanographic investigations. Thus the diffusion experiments with rhodamine B 
were conducted in an international operation called "Hheno" (rhodamine 
experiment Worth Sea) with the "Clione", "Explorer", and "Willem Beukelsz" 
(England, Scotland, Wetherlands) participating besides SRV "Gauss" and the 
supply ship "Schwarzwald". This operation was organized and directed by the 
G.H.I.. A start was made in investigating the amorphous silicic acid in the 
Baltic Sea muds. This is of special the amorphous silicic acid 
adsorbes a great deal of water, which strongly affects the physical properties 
of the sediments. The sedimentary-petrographic investigation of the Worth 
Sea and Baltic muds has been continued. The inorganic phosphate dissolved

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