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Full text: Jahresbericht 1965

Jahresbericht Hr. 20/1965 
- Seite 126 - 
ders.: Recent Development in Marine Meteorology (American Meteorological 
Society, Tallahassee, Florida. 8. März) 
ders.: The Wind Stress at the Sea Surface (Texas A & M University, 
Dept, of Oceanogr. and Meteorol. College Station, Texas. 5. April) 
ders,: Current Research on Marine Meteorology in Germany (Texas A & M 
University, Dept, of Oceanogr. and Meteorol. College Station, 
Texas. 5. April) 
ders.: Problems Areas of Air-Sea Interaction Research (Texas A & M 
University, Dept, of Oceanogr. and Meteorol. College Station, Texas. 
6. April) 
ders.: On some Actual Air-Sea Boundary layer Problems (University of 
California at San Diego; Scripps Oceanographic Institution, 
La Jolla, Calif. 15. April) 
ders.: On the Present State of Knowledge in Air-Sea Boundary Layer 
Problems (University of California at Los Angeles, Dept, of Meteorol., 
Los Angeles. 19. April) 
ders.: Some Actual Problems in Air-Sea Interaction (U.S. Naval Post 
graduate School, Monterey, Calif. 23. April) 
ders.: On the Physics of Air-Sea Interaction (National Center for 
Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado. 4. Mai) 
ders.: Recent Research on Air-Sea Interaction (Colorado State University, 
Dept, of Atmospheric Science, Port Collins, Colorado. 6. Mai) 
ders.: Some Problems in Applied Marine Meteorology (Colorado State 
University, Dept, of Atmospheric Science, Port Collins, -Colorado. 
7. Mai) 
ders.: Problems of Air-Sea Interaction (University of Wisconsin, 
Dept, of Meteorology, Madison, Wisconsin. 14. Mai) 
ders.: Recent Development in Marine Meteorology (American Meteorological 
Society, Washington, D.C. 19. Mai) 
ders.: Recent Research Activities in Air-Sea Interaction in Germany 
(U.S. Weather Bureau, Geophys. Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Washington, 
D.C. 20. Mai) 
ders.: Air-Sea Interaction from the Oceanographer's Viewpoint (U.S. Naval 
Oceanographic Office, National Oceanographic Data Center, 
Washington, D.C.24.Mai) 
ders,: Recent Research on Air-Sea Interaction (U.S. Navy Weather 
Research Facility, Norfolk, Virginia. 28. Mai) 
ders.: Some Problems in Applied Marine Meteorology (U.S. Navy Weather 
Research Facility, Norfolk, Virginia. 28. Mai) 
ders.: On the Physics of Air-Sea Interaction (New Xork University, 
Dept, of Meteorol. and Oceanogr., New York, N.Y. 4. Juni) 
ders.: Recent Research on Air-Sea Interaction in Germany (Woods Hole 
Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Mass. 7. Juni) 
ders.: Als Gastprofessor in den U.S.A. (Meteorologisches Kolloquium, 
Seewetteramt, Hamburg. 21. Juli)

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