The German Hydrographic Institute in the year 1968
Eor a set of international charts with scales of 1: 3.5 million resp. 1:10
million standardized formats, scales, symbols, and abbreviations have been
established. The GHI will participate in this international task by
compiling 4 charts with the scales 1: 3.5 million and 1: 10 million.
In 1968, the GHI published a total of 35 new charts, 52 new editions
of existing charts and 89 accompanying blocks. The following new editions
of Sailing Directions were published: Ostsee-Handbuch, IV.Teil (Sailing
Directions of the Baltic, Part IV), Mittelmeer-Handbuch, III.Teil (Sailing
Directions of the Mediterranean, Part III), Handbuch der Nord- und West
küste Spaniens und der Küste Portugals (Sailing Directions of the North
and West Coasts of Spain and of the coast of Portugal), Handbuch des Ka
nals, II.Teil (Sailing Directions of the Channel, Part II). Purther 9
from 14 volumes of the lists of lights were issued; the "Yachtfunkdienst"
(Yachting Wireless Manual); "Wetter und Warnfunk" (Manual of Weather and
Warning Wireless) and "Consolfunkfeuer" (Consol Radio Beacons).
The following publications appeared:
"Verzeichnis der Karten und Bücher und sonstigen Veröffentlichungen"
(list of charts and books and further publications), "Nautisches Jahrbuch"
(Nautical Yearbook), the nautical magazine "Der Seewart", Nachrichten für
Seefahrer (Notices to Mariners),"Winterbetonnung der Deutschen Küstenge
wässer" (Winter buoyage of the German coastal waters), Eisbericbte und
Eisübersichtskarten (Ioe Reports and.Ice Charts)', Gezeitentafeln und -ka-
lender (Tide tables and calendars), "Erdmagnetische Beobachtungen"
(Geomagnetic Observations), "Jahresbericht" (Annual Report), "Deutsche
Hydrographische Zeitschrift" (German Hydrographie Journal), "Informationen
der hydrographischen Dokumentation" (Information on hydrographic documen
The documentation of hydrographic publications accumulated 5,408
titles of this special field. The library was-recognized by the Deutsche
Eorsehungsgemeinscbaft (German Research Society) as a special library
with over-regional tasks for marine geophysical literature and included
in the list of special collection fields.
As intensely as in precious years, navigators voluntarily contributed
to the keeping up -to date of charts and pilots by correction and completion.
A total of 932 reports were received. Eor special efforts the "Seewart-
Medaille in Bronze" (Bronze "Seewart"-Medal) was awarded to 4 Masters and
1 Wireless Operator. Dipl.Ing.WiE.Steidle was awarded the "Seewart-Me-
daille in Silber" (Silvern "Seewart"-Medal) for his outstanding merits
concerning safety of navigation. The "Bundesverdienstkreuz 1.Klasse" was
awarded to Prof.Kalle who, until 1963, was the Head of the Institute's Group
"Chemical Oceanography".