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The concentrations of mercury, cadmium and copper at a station near the Swina mouth were
similar to the mean concentrations measured in June 1995. Only lead concentration was 2-3
times higher than the mean concentrations in this coastal area.
The concentrations of organic contaminants (PAHs, DDTs and PCBs) at the Swina mouth
decreased towards the open sea. However, there were no differences compared to 1996. For
HCHs increased concentrations were not observed.
As a preliminary conclusion, no extraordinarily elevated organic contaminant levels were
found in the Pomeranian Bay. For metals and organic contaminants no additional negative
effects on the marine environment are expected.
In the Pomeranian Bay, in the areas close to the Swina and Dziwna mouths, a high number of
total bacteria, Most Probable Number (MPN) of faecal coliform bacteria were observed as
well as the potentially pathogenic bacteria. In autumn the situation returned to normal.