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effect by strong northerly winds. Variations in the discharge rates were due to the changes in
wind direction.
At the beginning winds transported the river water along the Usedom coast, then along the
Polish coast. In August main transport occurred through the western part of the Pomeranian
Bay into the Arkona Sea.
Odra flood waters reached the Swina Strait outlet on 30 July, indicated by very low salinity in
the entire water column and by considerably increased concentrations of all nutrients.
The calculated amounts of nutrients (in tonnes) transported into the Pomeranian Bay over the
period of 1 June - 31 August 1997 are given in Table 1. For comparison also 1995 values are
Table 1. Amounts of nutrients (in tonnes) transported into the Pomeranian Bay
during June-August 1997 and 1995.
1997 / tonnes
1995 / tonnes
16 500
Si0 4
26 000
The maximal nitrogen and phosphate concentrations in the Pomeranian Bay were similar to
maximal concentrations normally observed during spring run-off, whereas concentrations of
silicate were exceptionally high. Nitrate concentrations decreased very rapidly beyond the
outlet area due to biological uptake, whereas phosphate and silicate were simply diluted.
Nutrient load caused a higher primary production, leading to oxygen oversaturation in the
surface water. In the near bottom water degradation processes were intensified by enhanced
loads of organic matter leading partly to anoxia in the coastal strip of the Bay.
The effects of the flood remained restricted to the Pomeranian Bay and did not influence the
open Baltic Sea. On the turn of October/November 1997 the situation regarding nutrients in
the Pomeranian Bay had returned to normal conditions.
In the Gulf of Gdansk and the Pomeranian Bay, considerable growth of phytoplankton
occurred. The flooding water created a bloom which can be recognized as a sort of spring
bloom. Instead of the typical summer situation with a lot of blue-green algae the flood water
created a bloom with lots of diatoms, typical for the spring, and also a massive freshwater
It is important to underline that the enormous blue-green bloom appearing in most parts of
the Baltic Sea at the same time had nothing to do with the flood event.