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From July 4 th - 9 th and from July 17 th - 22 nd , 1997 the passages of the low pressure cells 'Xols-
ka' and 'Zoe' across the Sudety - Tatra Mountain chain had caused extreme precipitation. In the
following a giant flood wave in the Vistula and Odra rivers drowned large agricultural and in
dustrial areas and about 400 villages and cities in the Czechs Republic, in Poland and in Ger
many. More than 50 people in Poland and the Czech Republic have lost their lives. The eco
nomic losses reach far beyond 5 billion US $. Most of the damages occurred in the Odra val
As a consequence of the vast flooding various pollutants were expected to be washed into the
Baltic Sea. The situation thus appeared to call for co-ordinated monitoring and assessment
effort within the framework of the Helsinki Commission (HELCOM). During July and August
numerous German, Polish, and Swedish monitoring institutions and research institutes ran
measuring programmes in the rivers, the lagoons and in the Southern Baltic Sea in order to
record the consequences of the flood for the Baltic marine environment. In addition, Poland
and Germany proposed to HELCOM to compile and assess the data in an international scienti
fic workshop.
The workshop was organized by the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH),
Hamburg, and the Maritime Branch of the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management
(IMWM), Gdynia, and was held in the BSH from January 12 th - 14 th , 1998 in Hamburg,
This volume of the "Wissenschaftlich-technische Berichte" contains the Terms of Reference as
given by the Environmental Committee of HELCOM, the summary of the evaluation and the
abstracts of the presentations. About 40 scientists presented a wide range of information com
prising the socio-economic consequences of the flood, its meteorological origin, the transport
of contaminants by the rivers, and information on the dispersion of floodwater in the coastal
and marine environments by numerical modelling. However, the majority of the presentations
dealt with pollution and its consequences in the Sczecin Lagoon, the Gulf of Gdansk, the Po
meranian Bight and the Baltic Proper..
The evaluation of the influences of the flood on the Baltic marine environment was adopted by
all participants of the workshop. Additionally, the participants recognized that numerous valu
able scientific results derived from personal efforts rather than from co-ordinated monitoring
activities, that better methods for estimating river discharges is urgent, and that further har
monization of river and marine monitoring is necessary.
The organizers of the workshop wish to express their gratitude to HELCOM for the adoption
of the workshop and support by the secretriat, to the German Federal Ministry for Environ
ment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety for financial support, to the Federal Maritime
and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) for hosting and technical support, and, at least to all scien
tists and their institutions who have contributed to this successful workshop.
Hartmut Heinrich (BSH Hamburg)
Wlodzimierz Krzyminski (IMWM Gdynia)