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Full text: Jahresbericht 1987

42. Jahresbericht Deutsches Hydrographisches Institut 1987 
Maritime Committee (MC): Fr. Hering, Huber 
Group of Experts on the Application of Regulation 5 of Annex IV 
(MC EM CHEM): Huber 
Ad hoc Working Group on Criteria and Standards for Discharges of 
Harmful Substances into the Baltic Sea Area (WGS): Dr. Albrecht 
Ad hoc Working Group on Monitoring of Radioactive Substances (MORS): 
Dr. Nies 
Consultant for Pollution Load Compilation: Rudloff 
Consultant for Baltic Marine Environment Bibliography. Heise 
Berater des Sekretariats der Helsinki-Kommission für die First Baltic Sea Pollution 
Load Compilation: Rudloff 
Internationale Atomenergie-Organisation (IAEA, International Atomic Energy 
Advisory Group on a Data Base for the Revision of the Agency’s Definition and 
Recommendations for Radioactive Matters under the London Dumping Conven 
tion: Dr. Nies 
Advisory Group on ’’The Definition of DeMinimis Quantities of Radioactive Waste 
exempted from Special Permits under the London Dumping Convention“: Dr. Nies 
OECD/Kernenergie-Agentur (OECD/NEA, Nuclear Energy Agengy) 
Executive Group for Research on Sea Disposal of Radioactive Waste: Dr. Nies 
Geochemistry and Physical Oceanography Task Group for Research on Sea 
Disposal of Radioactive Waste: Dr. Mittelstaedt, Dr. Nies 
Radiological Surveillance Task Group for Research on Sea Disposal of Radioactive 
Waste.- Dr. Nies 
Seabed Working Group/Physical Oceanography Task Group: Dr. Mittelstaedt 
Expert Group to Review the Continued Suitability of the Dumping Site for 
Radioactive Waste in the Northeast Atlantic: Dr. Nies 
Internationale Seefunksatelliten-Organisation (INMARSAT, International 
Maritime Satellite Organization) 
Advisory Committee on Technical and Operational Matters (ACTOM): 
Hammerschmidt, Klauschen 
Kommission der Europäischen Gemeinschaften 
Arbeitsgruppe „Überwachung und Kontrolle der Abfälle aus der Ti0 2 -Produktion 
in der Umwelt“: Dr. Grabert-Carlson, Rühl 
Arbeitsgruppe „Vereinheitlichung der Programme zur Verringerung und späteren 
Unterbindung der Verschmutzung durch Abfälle der Ti0 2 -Industrie“: 
Dr. Grabert-Carlson, Rühl 
Arbeitsgruppe „Versenkung von Abfällen ins Meer“: Rühl 
Arbeitsgruppe „Vereinheitlichung der Anforderungen an Radaranlagen“: 
Arbeitsgruppe „Technische Anforderungen an Positionslaternen“: M. Kuleisa

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