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Full text: Jahresbericht 1981

Mitarbeit in Ausschüssen 
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Westküstenforschung 
Dr. Figge 
4.3.3 International - staatlich 
Internationale Hydrographische Organisation (IHO, International 
Hydrographie Organisation) 
Das DHI vertritt die Bundesrepublik Deutschland. 
Finance Committee: Prof. Dr. Zickwolff 
Chart Specifications Committee (CSC): Dr.-Ing. Bettac 
Commission on Standardization of Nautical Books: Voges 
North Sea Hydrographie Commission (NSHC): Dr.-Ing. Bettac, Prof. Dr. 
Working Group on Classification for Deep Ocean Soundings: Berger 
Zwischenstaatliche Ozeanographische Kommission (IOC, Intergovernmental 
Oceanographic Commission) 
Exekutivrat: Prof. Dr. Vollbrecht 
Joint IOC/WMO Working Committee for the Integrated Global Ocean Station 
System (IGOSS) 
Member of the Joint IOC/WMO W.C.: Dr. Huber 
National Representative for IGOSS: Dr. Huber 
Joint IOC/WMO IGOSS Subgroup of Experts on Operations and Technical 
Applications: Dr. Huber 
Joint IOC/WMO Subgroup of Experts on Scientific Matters related to 
IGOSS: Dr. Becker 
Working Committee on International Oceanographic Data Exchange: Kohnke 
Group of Experts on Format Development; Kohnke 
National Coordinator for IODE: Kohnke 
Working Committee for the Global Investigation of Pollution in the Ma 
rine Environment (GIPME)t Dr. D. Schmidt 
National Coordinator for GIPME's Marine Pollution Monitoring: Kohnke

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