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Full text: Jahresbericht 1978-1979

Mitarbeit in Ausschüssen 
Commission on Standardization of Nautical Books: Frai- 
North Sea Hydrographie Commission (NSHC): Dr.-Ing. 
Bettac, Prof. Dr. Zickwolff, 
Working Group on classification for deep ocean soun 
dings: Berger. 
Internationaler Rat für Meeresforschung (ICES, Interna 
tional Council for the Exploration of the Sea) 
Advisory Committee on Marine Pollution: Dr. Weichart 
Marine Environmental Quality Committee 
Working Group on Marine Pollution Baseline and 
Monitoring Studies in the North Atlantic: 
Dr. Schmidt, Dr. Weichart 
Working Group on Pollution of the Baltic: Dr. Wei- 
Hydrography Committee: Prof. Dr. Weidemann. 
ICES-JONSIS Working Group on JONSDAP 76: 
Koltermann, Prof. Dr. Weidemann. 
Study Group on Flushing Times of the North Sea: 
G. Becker. 
Study Group on a Tidal Current Atlas of the North 
Sea: Koltermann (Vors.). 
Working Group on Aerospace Remote Sensing: 
Dr. Schmidt 
Working Group on Marine Chemistry: Dr. Schmidt, 
Dr. Weichart 
Working Group on Marine Data Management: 
Working Group on Shelf Seas Hydrography: G. Bek- 
ker, Koltermann (Vors.). 
Working Group on Oceanic Hydrography: Prof. Dr. 
Working Group on Overflow 73: G. Becker. 
Kommission der Europäischen Gemeinschaften 
Arbeitsgruppe „Umweltfragen" (ENV): Dr. Koopmann. 
Arbeitsgruppe „Überwachung und Kontrolle der Abfälle 
aus der Ti0 2 -Produktion in der Umwelt": Rühl. 
Coopération Européenne dans le Domaine de la Recher 
che Scientifique et Technique (COST) 
Management-Committee für COST-Aktion 43 (Meß 
netz in europäischen Gewässern): Prof. Dr. Weide 
Regional-Untergruppe Nord- und Ostsee, Färöer/ 
Shetlands für Aktion 43: Koltermann, Prof. Dr. Wei 
Expertengruppe „Datenübertragung” der Aktion 43: 
European Association of Scientists for Experiments on 
Pollution (EURASEP), NIMBUS-G/Coastal Zone Color 
Scanner Experiment 
Working Group D (Sea Truth Measurements); 
Dr. Albrecht, Dr. Gienapp, Strübing. 
Kommission der London-Konvention 
Scientific Group: Rühl. 
Incineration Group: Rühl. 
Kommission der Oslo-Konvention 
Standing Advisory Committee for Scientific Advice 
(SACSA): Rühl 
Incineration Group: Rühl. 
Kommission der Paris-Konvention 
Technical Working Group: Rühl. 
Kommissionen der Oslo- und Paris-Konventionen 
Joint TWG/SACSA Monitoring Group: Dr. Weichart 
OECD/Kemenergie-Agentur (OECD/NEA, Nudear 
Energy Agency) 
Advisory Group on Environmental Monitoring: Prof. Dr. 
Ostsee-Eistagung (Baltic Sea Ice Meeting): 
Dr. Koslowski (Koordinator). 
Vereinte Nationen (UN, United Nations) 
Group of Experts on Geographical Names, Working 
Group on Maritime and Undersea Features; Dr.-Ing. Bet 
Zwischenstaatliche Beratende Seeschiffahrts-Organisa 
tion (IMCO, Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative 
Inter-Sessional Working Group on Differental Omega: 
Subcommittee on bulk-chemicals 
Working Group „Incineration": Rühl. 
Zwischenstaatliche Ozeanographische Kommission 
(IOC Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission) 
Exekutivrat: Prof. Dr. Vollbrecht, Prof. Dr. Zickwolff. 
Joint IOC/WMO Working Committee for the Integrated 
Global Ocean Station System (IGOSS) 
Member of the Joint IOC/WMO W.C: Dr. Huber. 
National Representative for IGOSS: Dr. Huber. 
Joint IOC/WMO IGOSS Subgroup of Experts on 
Operations and Technical Applications: Dr. Huber. 
Working Committee on International Oceanographic 
Data Exchange: Kohnke (stellv. Vors.). 
Group of Experts on Format Development: Kohnke. 
Working Committee for the Global Investigation of Pol 
lution in the Marine Environment (GIPME): Dr. Schmidt 
GIPME Pilot Project on Marine Pollution Monito 
ring: Kohnke. 
4.3.4 International - nichtstaatlich 
European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories 
Working Group „SEASAT Users Group of Europe" 
(SURGE): Strübing. 
Federation of Astronomical and Geophysical Services 
(FAGS): Prof. Dr.-Ing. Enslin (Präsident).

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