Mitarbeit in Ausschüssen
Kommission des Paris-Übereinkommens
Technical Working Group (TWG): Dr. Theobald, Prof. Dr. Weichart
Working Group on Nutrients: Prof. Dr. Weichart
Working Group on Oii Pollution (GOP): Dr. Theobald
Kommissionen der Oslo- und Paris-Übereinkommen
Experts Steering Group: Dr. Salchow
Joint Monitoring Group: Prof. Dr. Weichart
Ad hoc Working Group on Monitoring: Dr. D. Schmidt
North SeaTask Force: Carlson
Drafting Panel for Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 of the 1993 Quality Status Report: Dr. Becker
Ad hoc Working Group on the Review of the Convention: Fr. Dannelke
Kommission des Helsinki-Übereinkommens über den Schutz der Meeresumwelt des Ostsee
Ad hoc Task Force: Dr. Ehlers, Rühl
Baltic Sea Area (GESPA): Dr. Dahlmann, Dr. Gaul, Dr. Körner, W. Lange
Commission: Dr. Ehlers
Consultant for Baltic Marine Environment Bibliography: Heise
Environment Committee (EC): Rühl (Contact Address)
Working Group of Experts on Monitoring of Radioactive Substances
(MORS): Dr. Herrmann, Dr. Nies (Vors.)
Working Group on Oil Drift Forecasting: Müller-Navarra
Group of Experts for the Second Periodic Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment of the
Maritime Committee (MC): Dr. Ehlers (Vors.), Roth
Second Pollution Load Compilation: Brockmann, Rühl, Fr. Wilhelms
Ostsee-Eistagung (Baltic Sea Ice Meeting)
Dr. Koslowski
West European Geological Surveys (WEGS)
Ad hoc Group on Marine Geology: Dr. Figge