All water samples are analyzed unfiltered. To determine the salinity, a water sample is taken
from each sampler.
134 Cs and l37 C$
Caesium is coprecipitated with potassium hexanitrocobaltate from 50 - 500 1 of sea water,
purified and finally precipitated as caesium iodobismuthate. The chemical yield is determined
gravimetrically, the activity is measured in a Low-Level-Beta-Counter [16]. Before analysing
samples of more than 200 1, l37 Cs is extracted from the sea water by passing a potassium
hexacyanocobaltate-(II)-ferrate(II) adsorbend [2]. The adsorbend is then measured gamma-spec -
troscopically to determine the 137 Cs activity or the 137 Cs/ l34 Cs activity ratio.
To determine "Sr, the activity of its decay product is isolated by fluid-fluid-extraction from
up to 200 1 of water. Its oxide is then measured using a Low-Level-Anticoincidence-Beta-
Counter [3]. To improve the method's detection limit in case of deep water samples, thorium-
234 is first separated by Zr 3 (Po 4 ) 4 coprecipitation.
239+240 Pu, 238 Pu and 241 Am are extracted from 200 1 sea water samples after Murray and Statham.
The samples are electroplated separately for Pu and Am and are measured alpha-spectroscopical-
ly [12]. 242 Pu and 243 Am are used as yield tracers. 241 Pu is determined on the basis of the 421 Am
activity ascent after a few years.
After vacuum distillation, 325 ml water samples are enriched, with a yield of almost 80%, in
electrolytic cells like those of Ôstlund [14], equipped with electrodes of stainless steel (anode)
and phosphated iron (cathode) after Zutshi [18]. 5 ml of the concentrate is decomposed by man
ganese in an autoclave. The resulting gas sample is measured in a Low-Level-Intemal-Gas
Counter [11]. The limit of detection of this method is 0,01 Bq/1.
[1] Borcherding, I. and H. Nies, 1986:
An Improved Method of the Determination of ^Sr in Large Samples of Seawater.
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Articles, Vol. 98, No. 1, 127-131
[2] Eicke, H.-F., 1974:
Eine Methode zur Anreicherung und Bestimmung sehr geringer Gehalte von l37 Cs im
ozeanischen Tiefenwasser. Dt. hydrogr. Z., 27, 20-26
[3] Fukai, R., G. Statham and K. Asari, 1976:
A Rapid Method for ‘"Sr Analysis by HDEHP Solvent Extraction Application to Large
Volume Water Samples. Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit., 23 (7), 149-150