Deutsche Hydrographische Zeitschrift - German Journal of Hydrography
This corresponds to a maximum coverage of 572
and 344 nodules per m 2 . Von Stackelberg [1997]
reports a maximum coverage of 910 nodules per m 2
close to the SEDIPERU site.
Particle diameters in the upper 1 cm of the se
diment vary between <20 and about 200 pm at both
sites (nodule covered areas). The upper 8 to 10 cm
of very soft sediment are called ‘semi-liquid layer’.
The bottom boundary of the Peru Basin is a low-
energetic boundary layer, i. e. there is no erosion
due to natural bottom currents (Jankowski and
Zielke [1995]). This is confirmed by geological and
soil-mechanical investigations at both sites which
gave no hints of erosional events.
Near-bottom currents
a) Long-term mooring D1
At the DEA site, the mean velocity magnitude
ranges between 2 and 4 cm/s with a clear increase
towards the bottom. Rotor stalls were about 10% at
15 mab, and about 20% between 30 and 200 mab
(see Table 1). Average stall duration is 1 to 2 cycles
(3 to 6 hours). The maximum stall interval was
21 cycles (63 hours) at 200 mab. Between 15 and
50 mab the flow direction is northwest, at 200 mab
the mean current runs westward.
The progressive vector diagram (PVD) in Fi
gure 4 shows that the deep flow is characterized by
2 to 5-month periods of relatively strong currents
(>5 cm/s) with only few changes in the direction of
flow. During these events, the speed significantly
exceeds the total mean of 3 to 4 cm/s. For short pe
riods of a few hours, current speed exceeded
10 cm/s and even reached values up to 17 cm/s.
Such phases of strong flow alternate with slow cur
rent phases (<1-3 cm/s) of comparable duration but
a great directional variability. A periodicity or sea
sonal signal, however, is not discernible.
Basic flow statistics, calculated from unfiltered
data, are summarized in Table 2. For rotor stalls the
west - east [km]
Fig. 4: Progressive vector diagram of long-term moo
ring D1. Time marks (x) are given every 30 days,
the numbers at the tracks give the distance from
bottom in metres.
speed was asumed to equal zero. The small stabi
lity factor SF 5) emphasizes the great variability of
the local deep flow. This also holds true if diurnal
and semi-diurnal tides are removed by means of a
Gaussian low-pass filter. Bottom intensification of
the mean kinetic energy k M 6) and (turbulent) eddy ki
netic energy k E , as frequently seen in the deep-sea,
occurred in the bottom 30 metres. Here, turbulent
kinetic energy is produced by vertical shear of the
mean flow (zero velocity at the bottom!). k E gene
rally exceeds k M .
The energy density spectra of the zonal and
meridional velocity components show three typical
periods of current variability (Klein [1993]): The
inertial period (4.1 days), the diurnal tide (24.4 h),
and the semi-diurnal tide (12 h). However, the tidal
currents are very weak, i.e. they are smaller than
the threshold velocity of the current meters, thus
contributing to the high percentage of rotor stalls
(see Table 2).
51 SF= (vector mean/magnitude) x 100. Sfi=100 stands for a constant current direction.
61 k M = 0.5 (U-+V 2 ). k R = 0.5 (ii'u'+v'v')