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Full text: 11: Stand und Entwicklungstendenzen nautischer Systeme, Anlagen und Geräte an Bord von Seeschiffen

[17] NAV42/7/10 
Testing and Required Test Results" IEC TC80AVG7 
Night vision equipment for high speed craft, Deutsche 
Note für NAV42, London, Juli 96 
[18] IEC 1162-1 
"Navigational and radiocommunications equipment on 
board ships - Digital interfaces. Part 1: Single talker and 
multiple listeners" IEC TC80/WG6 
[19] IMO/NAV40 
Draft Performance standard for shipbome transponder; 
NAV40AVP.3/Add. 1/Annex 9 
[20] Speckter: 
"Systemvergleich zwischen DSC- und GP&C-Transponder 
(schwedischer Vorschlag)"; Wasser- und Schiffahrtsver- 
waltung des Bundes, Seezeichenversuchsfeld, Koblenz, 
[21] Froese, J.; Mathes-Thiele, S.: "Computer Aided Collision Avoidance", DGON 
[22] Draft IEC 1209 
Symposium "Integrated Ship Operation", Hamburg, 
September 1994 
Integrated Bridge Systems (IBS), Operational and perfor 
mance requirements, methods of testing and required re 
sults; IEC TC80/WG9 
[23] Fibelkorn,I, Klaczko, S.: LOPOS Vessel Traffic Systems; 
Hamburg August 1995

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