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Full text: Jahresbericht 1996

International environmental policy in Europe, a comparison of EU and OSPAR activities (Conf. 
Environmental Protection and Cooperation in the Asean Region, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 21.11.96) 
Was tragen die bestehenden Uberwachungsprogramme zu GOOS bei? (GOOS-Statusseminar, 
Rostock, 23. 4. 1996) 
Nationale und internationale MefBprogramme (Sem. „MeBprogramme“, GKSS-Forschungszentrum 
Geesthacht, 11.6. 1996) 
Die Belastung der Nord- und Ostsee (Sem. Forschungsstelle Umweltrecht, Univ. Hamburg, 10. 2.1996) 
Schiffner, S.: Die Aufgaben des BSH (FH Neubrandenburg, 24. 1. 1996) 
Die Aufgaben des BSH (DVW-Bezirksgruppe Schwerin, 18. 4. 1996) 
Schmelzer, N.: Ice conditions in the German coastal waters (2nd Workshop of the Baltic Sea Ice 
Climate, Otepaa, Estland, 2.-5. 9. 1996) 
Schmidt, D.: Sampling and analysis for the monitoring of trace heavy metals in sea water: Achieve 
ments in analytical quality assurance (Workshop „Present Status of Analysis of Trace Metals and 
Nutrients in the Marine Environment“, Trivandrum, Indien, 8. 1. 1996) 
A new, independent method for the simultaneous multielement determination of a series of trace 
elements: Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (TXRF) (Council of Scient. and Ind. 
Res. [CSIR], Reg. Res. Lab. [RRL], Trivandrum, Indien, 17. 1. 1996) 
-: The problem of background concentrations for heavy metals in sea water: A critical approach 
(Council of Scient. and Ind. Res. [CSIR], Reg. Res. Lab. [RRL], Trivandrum, Indien, 17. 1. 1996) 
-: Determination of mercury in sea water at ultratrace levels: Cold Vapour Atomic Absorption Spectro 
metry (CVAAS) and Cold Vapour Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry (CVAFS) (Centre for Mar. 
Analyt. Ref. and Standards (C-MARS), CSIR, RRL, Trivandrum, Indien, 18. 1. 1996) 
-: Trace analysis for metals in sea water: Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (GFAAS) 
and Anodic Stripping Voltammetry (ASV) (Centre for Mar. Analyt. Ref. and Standards (C-MARS), 
CSIR, RRL, Trivandrum, Indien, 18. 1. 1996) 
-: A new, independent method for the simultaneous multielement determination of a series of trace 
elements: Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (TXRF) (School of Chem. Sc., Ma 
hatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Indien, 19. 1. 1996) 
-: Trace analysis for metals in sea water (Soc. Advancement of Electrochem. Science and Techno 
logy, Madras Chapter, Central Electrochemical Research Institute (CECRI), CSIR Complex, 
Madras, Indien, 22. 1. 1996) 
-: Trace analysis for metals in sea water: Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (GFAAS) 
and Anodic Stripping Voltammetry (ASV) (Nat. Inst, of Oc., Dona Paula, Indien, 24. 1. 1996) 
-: Recent applications of TXRF in sea water analysis (6th Conf. on Total Reflection X-Ray Fluores 
cence Analysis and Related Methods (TXRF '96), Dortmund, 13.-14. 6. 1996)

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