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Full text: Jahresbericht 1996

Gerwinski, W., Michel, U., Schmidt, D. Determination of mercury in seawater, using a two-stage amal 
gamation technique and an integrated UV-irradiation cell. (Fourth Int. Conf. on Mercury as a Glo 
bal Pollutant, Hamburg, 4.-8. 8. 1996) 
Schmidt, D.: Automated sample preparation for trace metal analysis in seawater. (6th Conf. on 
Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis and Related Methods [TXRF '96], Dortmund, 
13.-14. 6. 1996) 
s. Haffer, E. 
Giese, H.: Principal Component Analysis als Hilfsmittel zur Wassermassenanalyse (Klausurtagung 
der BMBF-Projekte TRANSWATT und KUSTOS, Hamburg, 23.-24. 5. 1996) 
Bestimmung der Rheinwasser-Ausbreitung anhand der Messung floureszierender, xenobiotischer 
Substanzen im Flußwasser (Koll. IfM, Hamburg, 26. 11. 1996) 
Determination of ratios and travel times of rivers in the North Sea using non-linear water mass 
analysis (Int. Symp. New Challanges for North Sea Research, Hamburg, 21.-23. 10. 1996) 
Haffer, E., Freimann, P., Gerwinski, W., Schmidt, D.: Simultaneous determination of germanium, 
arsenic, selenium, tin, antimony, tellurium, lead, and bismuth with TXRF using the hydride 
technique for matrix separation - First steps in the development of a new application of TXRF. 
(6th Conf. on Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescene Analysis and Related Methods [TXRF '96], 
Dortmund, 13.-14. 6. 1996) 
Hecht, H.: Standards for ECDIS and methods of ECDIS data production at BSH, Germany. (Hydrogr. 
Dept, of the Royal Thai Navy, Bangkok, Thailand, 20. 2. 96) 
The requirements of precise navigation for the Electronic Chart Display and Information System 
(ECDIS). (Int. Symp. on Gravity, Geoid and Marine Geodesy, 1996, Tokio, 30. 9.-5. 10. 1996) 
Heinrich, H.: A contribution to joint European marine monitoring efforts. The German marine monito 
ring programme (Umweltkurs der Carl-Duisberg-Gesellschaft BiOLAB/IHB, Hamburg, 30. 5. 1996) 
-: Objectives and structure of the German marine monitoring programme and its relationship to Euro 
pean conventions for the protection of the marine environment (Umweltkurs der Carl-Duisberg- 
Gesellschaft, GEOMAR, Kiel, 1.8. 1996) 
Hübschmann, R: Baumusterprüfung und Zulassung von Positionslaternen (Hamburg Port Training 
Inst., Hamburg, 20. 2. 1996 und 7. 6. 1996) 
Jancke, K., Gouretski, V.: A new hydrographic data set for the South Pacific Ocean: Station data and 
gridded fields (WOCE Pacific Workshop, Newport Beach, Ca., USA., 19.-23. 8. 1996) 
WHP-SAC Statusbericht (WOCE-Status-Seminar, Rostock, 5. 12. 1996) 
Jonas, M.: Stand und absehbare Entwicklung von neuartigen Navigationsanlagen und -geraten und 
die sich daraus ergebenden Anforderungen an das BSH (2. Workshop Seeverkehr, Wiss. Symp. 
Schiffahrtsinst. Warnemünde, Rostock, 8. 11.96) 
ECDIS Back-up systems and arrangements (Int. Symp. Information on Ships, Hamburg, 29. 10. 96)

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