Mitarbeit in Gremien
International - nicht staatlich
CARIS-User-Group, Europe
Friedberg, Hecht
Conference of Baltic Oceanographers
Dr. Mittelstaedt
European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)
Radio Equipment and Systems (RES-01): Klauschen
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC, Internationale Elektrotechnische
1 (Shipborne Radar/ARPA): Drewes
5 (Environmental Conditions): Steiner
6 (Digital Interfaces): von Arnim
7 (ECDIS): Dr. Jonas
8 (GMDSS): Klauschen
9 (Integrated Bridge): Dr. Jonas
Arbeitsgruppe TC 80/WG 10 (Integrated Navigation Systems): Behnke
Arbeitsgruppe TC 80 (Navigational Instruments): Uhlig
Arbeitsgruppe TC 80/WG
Arbeitsgruppe TC 80/WG
Arbeitsgruppe TC 80/WG
Arbeitsgruppe TC 80/WG
Arbeitsgruppe TC 80/WG
Arbeitsgruppe TC 80/WG
International Organization for Standardization (ISO, Internationaler Normenausschuß)
Subcommittee ISO/TC 8/SC 1 (Lifesaving and Fire Protection): Hübschmann, Kutsch
Subcommittee ISO/TC 8/SC 18 (Navigational Instruments and Systems): Uhlig, Schulz-Reifer
Working Group 3 (Magnetic Moment): Uhlig (Koordinator)
Subcommittee ISO/TC 188/WG 19 (Small Craft-Navigation Lights): Hübschmann, Kronbügel
Subcommittee ISO/TC 188/WG 26 (Small Craft-Magnetic Compasses): Uhlig