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Full text: Jahresbericht 1996

Mitarbeit in Gremien 
International Hydrographic Organization (IHO, Internationale Hydrographische Organisation) 
Dr. Ehlers 
Chart Specifications Committee (CSC): Kappel 
Commission on Promulgation of Radio Navigational Warnings: Schaefer 
Committee on Hydrographic Requirements for Information Systems (CHRIS): Hecht 
Data Base Working Group: Melles 
Data Quality Working Group: Hecht 
ECDIS Glossary Working Group: Hecht (Vors.) 
Symbols and Colours Working Group: Friedberg, Hecht 
Transfer Standard Maintenance Working Group: Melles 
Working Group on ECDIS Specifications: Hecht 
Working Group on Updating: Hecht 
Committee „Worldwide Electronic Navigational Chart Data Base“ (WEND): Dr. Ehlers (Vors.), Hecht 
Finance Committee: Roth 
Experts in Maritime Boundary Delimination: Kappel 
Legal Advisory Committee: Goebel 
Working Group on Standards for Nautical Cartographers: Kappel 
Tidal Working Group: Goffinet 
Baltic Sea Hydrographic Commission (BSHC): Dr. Ehlers, Hecht 
Baltic Sea Bathymetric Grid Working Group: Dr. Leimer (Vors.) 
Baltic Sea International Chart Committee (BSICC): Kappel, Dr.-lng. Schiffner (Vors.) 
North Sea Hydrographic Commission (NSHC): Dr. Ehlers, Hecht 
NSHC Multibeam Working Group: Dr.-lng. Ellmer 
NSHC Tidal Working Group: Goffinet 
International Maritime Organization (IMO, Internationale Seeschiffahrts-Organisation) 
Marine Environment Protection Committee 
Working Group on Unwanted Aquatic Organisms in Ballast Water: Dr. Rolke 
Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) 
Sub-Committee on Radiocommunications and Search and Rescue: Klauschen 
Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation: Hubschmann 
Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Equipment: Hubschmann, Kutsch 
IMO/IHO Harmonization Group on Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems 
(ECDIS): Hecht 

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