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Full text: 8: WOCE-current measurements

XX- Data processing 
The current statistics are calculated from low-passed data 
(Gaussian low-pass, cut-off period 48 s ). Mean values are marked 
by an overbar. The mean values of u and v are given together 
with the 95% confidence interval assuming a Gaussian normal 
mean value * 1.96-*—— , n = number of cycles. 
The Lagrangian statistics were calculated according to 
Taylor (1921). 
Symbols and abbreviations used in the tables: 
dir mean current direction 
k* mean kinetic energy 
k„ = ^ 
eddy kinetic energy 
Eddy diffusivity: 
K 1 = u l u i T i 
L, iy Lagrangian length scale 
mag magnitude of current vector v 
T„ #y Lagrangian integral time scale

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