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Full text: 1: North Atlantic ship-of-opportunity XBT programme 1990

-CNK) lOiDNOiO'-n^f in(DMN»CnO"-N0')'in(ÛM»0)O .-CMrO'iir)(0''COO)O-C'jr)4 ifXONMÖOi O^-CMM 4 CHONO) OD--<sr) »l/WOOClO-NP) 
«-'-'-'-«-»-'-(MtNr^StNOKVCVltNCMn rnrVOO WfO'iO't'i^'4-ït 't't 'f 't+'t lOifliOif) mininwi lilDlOiOÛ l£>(ß(mOiOr''r'M'' 
O 250 500 km 
KOELN ATLANTIC 150 ( 19.04.-24.04.90) AX3 east XBT-TEMP 
Gridding Parameter: 
No of GRD —Points in X = 50 
No of GRD —Points In Y= 50 
Area in X, by no. of profiles = 2 
Area in Y, by physical units = 100 
Order of Orthogonal Surface = 1 
! J I I I I I I I I I I I 
13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 26

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