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Object: North Sea Summer Survey 2008

Stationsliste (2/2) 
. | . ra: water- Secchi- water samplin MERCOS | GoFlo | Bedford-Nr. time 
Station | Deg! Min | N| Deg’ Min | EAV| depth [m] depth [m] CTD [m] m _ [m] _08nnnn | date /yTC42 
— 31 | 56 | O00[M} 1_ 000) _E 77 10 5084-6088 [28.07 08 101:49-02:21 
32 [56 [| O00[M] 0 000] E | 50 6089-5093 | 28.07.08 [06:05-06:25 
33 | 56 | O00[M[ 1. 0.00[ WW 650 14,0 bottom, 37, 20, 10,5 | 10 6094-6098 | 25.07.08 [09:57-10:30 
34 | 57 [ O00]M[ 1 0.00[ WW +00 165 bottom, 10, 5 10 ' 6099-6101 [28.07.08] 16:41-17:11 
35 | 57 [ 000]M[ 1 120,00 E ]_ 990 bottom, 45,5,5 BO 6102-6105 | 29.07.08 [01:27-01:58 
‚36 | 57 | 0.00 MN] 3 [30.00 E | _650 12.5 bottom, 30,9,5,5 dB 6106-6110 | 29.07.08 [09:35-10:09 
37 57 | 0001 ES 000) E * 530 14,5 bottom, 30, 7,5 A 6111-6114 129.07.08 [15:33-15:59 
bottom, 28, 10, 5 | 6115-6118 
8x 45 0 6119-6126 |“?0/ 051 49.59 0937 
bottom, 5 6_ 6129-6130 | 30.07.08 [03:40-04:07 
bottam, 400, 200, 
100, 50,25,10,5 | 111.25 HE (30.07.08 4026 
3070 | bottom, 100,50,20, | 4929 | 50 6141-6146 |30.07.08 
41 58 | 0,.D00|M| 6 | 0,00| E aD 10,5 . 17:03-18:11 
42 [| 58 | 0.00[M] 5 | 000] E [ 1263 145 bottom, 60,25 10,5 10 __ 6147-6151 [30.07.08 [21:46-22:22 
43 | 58 | 000]M] 3 | 000 € [ 750 bottom, 28, 10, 5 ' 10 ° 6152-6155 [31.07.08 [05:02-05:50 
_ 4 [| 59 | 000[MN| 1 [30,00 E [| 105,0 125 9 6156-6160 [31.07.08 [11:01-11:37 
45 | 58 | 000[N| 1 | 000 w_| 1128 aß 10 6161-6165 |31.07.08| 19:44-20:21 
46 | 59 | 0DO[M| 1 [|30,00] WW | 1070 | 10 6166-6170 | 01.08.08 | 02:55-03:30 
A7_ | 59 | 000[N| 0 | 000] E | 1320 | 145 10 '_6171-6175 [01.08.08 [08:45-09:19 
48 159 | 000]! 1 000 E "41270 12.0 10, 6176-6179 [01.08.08[13:13-13:46 
bottom, 50, 30, 10, 
49 zz | ala! a mw) ge 139,5 a5 6,8 10,50 | 100 6180-6185 [01.08.08 94:45-22:08. 
50 | 59 | 000[N| 4 [30,00] E | 2610 | 10 6136-6191 [02.08.08 03:24-04:12 
51 | 60 | 000[N/| 4 [30,00] E | 2620 [| 105 _ bottom, 100,50,30,7,84 7 _ 6192-6197 [02.08.06 [10:27-11:05 
52 | 60 | 0D0[M| 2 | 000] E | 1020 | 130 bottom, 50,30,8,5 | 8 6198-6202 |02.08.08|20:45-21 16' 
| 53 [| 60 | 000[N| 0 [3000] w_ | 1230 [| 85 bottom, 50,25, 10,5 | 10 | 6202-6207 | 03.08.08 [08:11-08:48 
54 60 | 0,007 N] 3 | 0,00] WW 104.0 >20.0 bottom, 50, 20, 10, 5 10,50 ‚6208-6212 |03.08.08] 18:27-19:07 
Seite 51 von 1

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