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Full text: North Sea Summer Survey 2008

. | aa: . water- Secchi- water s ampling time 
Station | Deg ' Min ı N} Den Min | Em | depth [m] | depth [m] | CTD [m] date UTC+2 
Stade | 53 |37,30| M[ 9 |32.60] E 17.0 |surface 21.07.08] 18:27-18:33 
Medem | 53 [52601 M[] & [|43.00[ E | 205 [surface — 2107.08 ]21:57-22:01 
3 54 | O000|M] 8 [ 648] F zen bottom, 5 6001-6002 |22.07.08 [00:32-00:48 
7 | 54 | O00[M| 6 [2502] F 20 50 bottom, 10, 5 — „6003-6005 |22.07.08]08:16-08:34 
8 54 | 000] MT 4 [50,00] FF! 0 '* 35 bottom, 10, 5 10 6006-6008 [22.07.08 [17:37-18:07 
4 54 | 000] MT 3 | 0,007 * 49 bottom, 10,5 I "6009-6011 [23.07.08 [02:04-02:38 
uw | 53 | O00[M] 4 | 000] tt I 13 * 35 bottom, 10, 5 Y 6012-6014 [23.07.08 [09:55-10:24 
| 4 FTD SE bottom, 10, 5 En 6015-6017 [23.07.08 [14:01-14:27 
152 | O00[MF 3 [44,007 * 1° =D 55 bottom, 10, 5 ; _ 6018-6020 |23.07.08] 18:06-18:35 
51 [4220[M] 2 [5140] £ı ]_ 40 bottom, 10, 5 1 “ 6021-6023 [23.07.08 [23:11-23:35 
52 | 0,00] MM] 2 [| 0,00: ) MD bottom, 10, 5 1 6024-6026 |24.07.08 [03:53-04:08 
52 30,00) :ı 43 95 bottom, 10, 5 ; ‘= 6027-6029 [24.07.08 [08:09-06:35 
i E11 225 ' 60 _ Ibottom, 10, 5 ‘2 “ 6030-6032 |24.07.08] 15:38-16:08 
| 54 | 0007 M[| 1 [| 0007 £ * 450 55 bottom, 20, 10, 5 ED 6033-6036 [24.07.06 [21:11-21:44 
; | 55 | O00[M| 0 | 0,00] +: | 750 “9 6037-6040 [25.07.08 [04:50-05:28 
9 [| 55 [ 000[M] 2 [| 000[ * |_ 270 ]_ 99 bottom, 10,5 10 "60416043 |25.07.06 [13:15-13:39 
m [| 55 [ O00[M| 4 | 000° + "#40 130 bottom, 30, 15, 10,5 AO 6044-6048 |25.07.08 [21:21-21:53 
31 [55 | o00[M[| 5 [000] FI} AR bottom, 25, 10, 5 ' 6049-6052 [26.07.08 [01:45-02:23 
37 | 55 | 000[N| 6 [15.00] F 7 25055 bottom, 5 6053-6054 [26.07.08 [07:05-07:20 
3 [| 55 [| o00[M[ 7 [3500[ t 1 945 "75 bottom, 5 6055-6056 [26.07.08 [12:23-12:46 
24 [| 55 | 000[M] & | 0,.00[ t 4 0 75 bottom, 5 6057-6058 |26.07.08 [ 14:32-14:46: 
25 | 55 | 000[M[| 8 [1500| _E 13 30 bottom, 5 De 6059-6060 [26.07.08 [15:42-15:50 
26 | 56 | 0007 M] 7 [4320 Fr 70 bottom, 21 7 6061-6062 [26.07.08]273:38-:2358 
27 | 56 | 0.00[M| 6 | 000 E | 480 90 10 ._ 6064-6068 | 27.07.08 [06:00-06:18 
28 | 56 | 000[M] 5 | 000] E | 440 | 105 bottom, 30, 20, 10,5 | 10 _ _ 5069-5073 [27.07.06 [10:13-10:46 
23 | 56 | 0.00] M| 3 | 000] E | 750 | 145 bottom, 50, 40, 15,6 | 7 6074-6078 | 27.07.08 | 18:06-18:20 
30 | 56 | O00[M| 2 | 0,00 E | 2860 | 140 bottom 45,25.17,5 | ' 6079-6083 [27.07.08 [21:58-22:17 
| Bedford-Nr. 
Sselıte 30 von 31

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