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Full text: North Sea Summer Survey 2007

Tasks of the Cruise 
Charting of the oceanographic and chemical water quality in the North Sea during the maxi- 
mum summer thermal development by means of discrete water sampling and a towed con- 
tinuously profiling GCTD systems. 
Scientific Crew 
Dr. Hartmut Heinrich 
Achim Schulz 
Andreas Pfeiffer 
Jens Wemheuer 
Reimund Ludwig 
Ole Kattein 
Johanna Schweers 
Rita Kramer 
Roswitha Velten 
Sven Kranz 
Ilse Bünz 
Manfred Schimanski 
Gudrun Flessner 
Elke Hammermeister 
Udo Ziebarth 
Chief Scientist, Marine Physics 
Marine Physics 
Marine Physics 
Marine Physics 
Marine Physics 
Marine Physics 
Marine Physics, student 
Marine Chemistry, Nutrients 
Marine Chemistry, Nutrients 
Marine Chemistry, Nutrients 
Marine Chemistry, Nutrients 
Marine Chemistry, Nutrients 
Marine Chemistry, student 
Marine Chemistry, Organic contaminants 
Marine Chemistry, Organic contaminants 

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