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Full text: North Sea Summer Survey 2007

Equipment and Methods 
CTD/Rosette (Seabird SBE 19 with 12 standard bottles, oxygen sensor and Fluo- 
Delphin (Standardversion with CTD, fluorometer, oxygen sensor) 
Secchi disc 
Nutrient concentrations 
PO«4-P after Murphy and Riley (1962) 
SiQO.-Si after Koroleff (1971) 
NO>-N after Bendschneider and Robinson (1952) 
NO3+NO>-N after Bendschneider and Robinson (1952) 
NH-;-N after Berthelot (1859) 
Nerg, extractabie €Xtraction with 2M KCI 
Nresiauar high temperature oxidation 
Pparticulate after Liebezeit, G. (1995). Particulate phosphorus fractions in a mangrove 
estuary. Senckenberg. Marit. 25: 123-126 
TOC high temperature oxidation 
Oxygen Concentrations 
Oxygen after Winkler-Carpenter with dissolved Oxygen Analyser (DOA), photometric 
end point identification 
Organic Pollutants 
N. Theobald, W.Lange, A.Rave, U.Pohle und P.Koennecke, Dt. Hydrogr. Z., 43, 311 
(1990): Ein 100-I Glaskugelschöpfer zur kontaminationsfreien Entnahme von See- 
wasser für die Analyse lipo-philer organischer Stoffe 
N.Theobald, W.Lange, W.Gählert und F.Renner, Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. (1995), 
353, 50 - 56: "Mass spectometric investigations of water extracts of the river Elbe for 
the determination of potential inputs of pollutants into the North Sea" 

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