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Full text: North Sea Summer Survey 2007

1220 MEST Station 31 
1. CTD with sampling for nutrients and oxygen; Secchi disk 
2. dense clouds; moderate breeze, decreasing 
3. ”Delphin” out of water while ship on station; some valves of CTD water bottles were open 
while sampling 
4. some gulls 
1605 MEST Station 32 
1. CTD with sampling for nutrients and oxygen; Secchi disk 
2. few clouds, calm — light air 
3. ”Delphin” out of water while ship on station; test of the influence of open vales; no differ- 
ences in O, compared to bottles with closed valves 
some Gannets and gulls; at 1700 a Harbour porpoise some cables behind the vessel and 
a Grey seal one cable off port side 
2000 MEST Station 33 
1. CTD with sampling for nutrients and oxygen; Secchi disk; two 10 | and one 100 I glass 
2, very few clouds, calm 
3. ”Delphin” out of water while ship on station 
10 August 2007 
0215 MEST Station 34 
1. CTD with sampling for nutrients and oxygen 
2, very few clouds; light air 
3. ”Delphin” out of water while ship on station; a difficulty with the winch of the A-frame lasts 
3% hour 
1220 MEST Station 35 
1. CTD with sampling for nutrients and oxygen: Secchi disk; one 100 | glass bottle 
2. clear sky; calm - light air 
3. ”Delphin” out of water while ship on station 
4. at 1115 two Bottle-nose dolphins “playing” with the vessel 

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