Oxygen determination according to Winkler-Carpenter by means of a SIS Dissolved
Oxygen Analyser (DOA) with photometric end point determination at selected depths.
Determination of the pH value (CTD samples and continuously via the sea water pipe).
Determination of depth of visibility by means of a Secchi disk at daylight stations.
Filtration of surface water samples and freezing of the glass fiber filters for the
determination of chlorophyll according to Aminot and Rey after the cruise.
Determination of sea water alkalinity.
Sampling and freezing aboard for determination of Total-N and Total-P ashore (German-
2 x 35 | surface water samples for the determination of strontium-90 after the cruise.
1 | surface water samples for the analysis of tritium after the cruise.
150 | surface water samples for the analysis of caesium-137 by means of an ion
exchanger (KNiIiFC-PAN) on board.
100 | surface water samples for the analysis of transuranic elements on board.
Addotionally, 270 | water samples taken at station GNO040 from different depths for the
determination of strontium and tritium after the cruise and of caesium and transuranic
elements on board.
Organic contiminants:
Determination of polar and non-polar organic pollutants as, e.g. pesticides, chlorinated
ıydrocarbons (CHC), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH).