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Full text: North Sea Summer Survey 2018

der water sampling depth radio- | Organic } nutrients HSBC date , 
[m] CTD [m] [m] activity [!] [m] — 1 184nnn_ | 
GNO25 | 54°59.95‘N | 008°14.76'E {19 bottom, 2x5 —  [CS/St/H8/Tu |_5, 100 bottom, 5. 1081-083! 02.09.18 | 22:00-22:22 
GNO026 | 56°00.05°N | 007°48.05°E | 27 bottom, 2x5 ı 10.0 "Cs/St/H8/Tu | 5, 100 !bottom, 5 1084-086. 03.09.18 | 06:07— 06:29 
GNO26A! 55° 59.96‘ N | 007° 00.10°E 35 bottom, 5 I =  TCS/SHS/MTU = = 1087-088 09.09.18 09:08 — 09:28 
GNO027 | 56° 00.03°N | 006° 00.22°E | 48 bottom, 2x5 | 145 1 Cs | 10,100 !bottom, 5 1089-091: 03.09.18 | 12:48-13:12 
GNO028 | 55°59.98°N * 005°00.10'E | 44 bottom, 5 1 145 1 Cs 1 — _ bottom, 5 (092-093 03.09.18 | 16:30— 16:42 
|GNO29 | 56°00.15°N 002° 59.86‘E | 75 '9ottom, 2x5 — | Cs/StHS/TU | SS !bottom, 5 1094-096 03.09.18 ! 23:02-23:45 
GN030 | 56°00.05°N | 001°59.98°E | 86 !bottom, 2x5 AT CS 1 — bottom, 5 1097-099: 04.09.18 ! 03:02-03:19 
GNO031 | 55°59.99°N | 001°00.02°E ! 78 bottom, 5 1 20.0 1 Cs = "bottom, 5 1100-1011 04.09.18 | 06:35 — 06:44 
GNO032 | 56°00.07°N | 000° 00.11°E 87 bottom, 5 1 165 1 CS = "bottom, 5 1102-103 04.09.18 | 10:03 10:18 
ıGN033 | 56° 00.10°N_! 000° 59.92°W |__ 64 bottom, 2x5 "15.0 {CS | 10,100 bottom, 5 1104-106! 04.09.18 | 19:33 — 14:00 
'GN033A! 55° 59.98‘ N * 001° 40.17‘ W |! €6 !bottom, 5 — |Cs/SVHYTU! — 1107-108! 04.09.18 | 16:11-16:37 
IGNO34A! 56°59.98°N 001° 40.01'W | 75 "bottom, 5 ZZ CS/SHHS/TU 109-1107 04.09.18 22:40 — 22:54 
IGNO34 | 56°59.97'N 001°00.11'W.' 71 bottom, 2x5 = SS 10,700. ‚bottom,5 111:113° 05.09.18 01:03-01:29 
IGNO35 | 56°59.70°N 901°20.33‘E | bottom, 50, 6x5 ! 19.0 cs | 5% 606 bottom, 5 114-121° 05.09.18 09:04-10:16 
‚GN036 | 57°00.15N 003°29.96°E . 65 bottom, 2x5 19.5 Cs/StH3/Tu '2x10, 100 bottom, 5 122-124‘ 05.09.18 17:16-17:47 
GN037 | 56°59.99°N 05° 00.00°E ! 59 bottom, 5 = OS ri —  "bottom,5 125-126: 05.09.18 22:36 — 22:48 
GN038 | 56°59.94°N 06°00.13'E } 52 bottom, 2x5 EZ CS 14x10, 100 bottom, 5 127-129! 06.09.18 02:05-02:50 
GN038A! 57° 00.00°N 07° 00.04°E | 33 bottom, 5 Pa = 130-131' 06.09.18 06:04 — 06:18 
GN039  57°00.02°N 07°59.99'E * 34 bottom, 2x5 11.5 Cs/Sr/H8/Tu 12x10, 100 bottom, 5. 132-134 06.09.18 99:32 — 10:00 
IGNO40 57° 49.77°N 008° 00.02‘E ! 525 bottom, 50, 2x5 ° 15.5 C8s/St/H3/Tu | "0% 'bottom,5 135-138 06.09.18 14:45 16:02 
GNO41 ; 58°00.01°'N 05°59.73E _ 310 bottom, 2x5 2 —  Cs/Sr/M8/Tu! 10,100 "bottom,5. 139-141 06.0918 21:43-22:23 
GNO42 | 58°00.06°N 05°00.14°E | 129 bottom, 5 = «a. bottom, 5. 142-148! 07.09.18 01:25 — 01:44 
GN043 | 57°59.98°N 03°00.08‘E } 77. bottom, 2x5 TO Ss bottom, 5. 144-146° 07.09.18 97:51—08:18 
GNO44 | 57°59.98°N 01°29.90°E | 106 bottom, 2x5 * 17.0 CS/St/H3/Tu. bottom, 5. 147149! 07.09.18 12:53—13:19 
GNO45 | 57°59.98°N 001°00.07'W | 115 bottom, 2x5 CS/St/H3/Tu bottom, 5 50-152 07.09.18 . 21:28 — 22:02 
GNO45A! 58° 00.06°N_ 001°59.92‘°W ! 83 bottom, 5 — CSS — 53-154! 08.09.18 | 01:31-01:44 
GN045B| 58° 29.98‘ N ! 002° 29.93‘W !_71___ bottom, 5 ZZ 1 CSU = ı 55-156! 08.09.18 | 05:34 — 05:47 
GNO46A! 58° 59.89°N | 002° 00.01‘W !_79 bottom, 5 11.0 [Cs/SMH8S/Tu = 1-57-158! 08.09.18 | 09:25 — 09:38 
GNO46 | 58°59.98°N | 001° 30.18 W106 _ bottom, 5 ‘510.5 1 CS 10, 2x100 bottom, 5 1159-1617 08.09.18 | 11:16=11:51 
GN053C! 59° 30.05°N | 001° 22.21°W | 101_ bottom, 5 “14.0 1 Cs/S/Hafu ln — = 1162-1631 08.09.18 | 15:00 — 15:14 
GN053 | 59°59.92°N | 000° 30.05°W | 126 bottom, 2x5 = Cs/St/H8/Tu | 10, 100 !bottom, 5 1164-166! 08.09.18 | 19:09— 19:36 
GNO052 | 59°59.98°N | 002° 00.12°E | 101_ bottom, 2x5 I = 1 Cs _ 13x10, 100!bottom, 5. 1167-169! 09.09.18 | 03:08 — 03:48 
GNO051 ! 60°00.04‘N ! 004° 29.78°E | 263 !bottom, 2x5 1 >10.0 |Cs/St/H8/Tu! 10,100 !bottom,5 170-172! 09.09.18 ! 11:14=11:50

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