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Full text: North Sea Summer Survey 2018

Appendix 5: Station List 
Positions are taken at the beginning of station work! 
Radioactivity: Cs = Cesium-137; Sr = Strontium-90; Tu = transuranic elements (Pu, Am, Cm); H3 = Tritium 
Water depth corrected for draft (5 m}! 
depth depth nutrients Bealore date 
Im [ml IM la84nnn "MM 
STADE | 53°36.92°N ! 009°33.04'E | 14 —  ı Cs/S/H8/Tu 5,10 — 29.08.18 | 05:54-06:07 
MEDEM |} 53°52.67°N_ 008° 43.18°E | 14 — Cs/St/H8/Tu 5,10 - — 7, 29.08.18 ! 08:54 — 09:06 
GN003 | 54°00.13‘N 008° 06,41‘E ! 17 bottom, 2x5 | 45 Cs/St/H3/Tu |5, 10, 100 bottom, 5 1001-003! 29.08.18 11:23-11:50 
GNO03A! 54°00.117N 907° 10.29°E | 30 bottom, 5 1 —  Cs/SH8/Tu/!_5, 100 = (004-005! 29.08.18 15:11-15:39 
GN007 | 53°55.59°N 906° 25.45°E | 26 bottom, 2x5 176.0  Cs/St/H3/Tu /5, 10, 100 bottom, 5 "006-008! 29.08.18 18:23 — 18:56 
GNO07A 54° 00.03°N 905° 40.41°E_|_ 37 bottom, 5 Cs/St/H8/Tu!___— — “009-010' 29.08.18 22:06 — 22:17 
GNO008 | 54° 00.05°N 004° 49.86°E | 42 ‚bottom, 2x5 — 1 CS 1 10,100 |bottom,5 1011-013 30.08.18 ‚ 01:27-01:55 
GNO09 | 54° 00.06°N_ 003° 00.01'E _! 439 bottom, 4x10, 2x5 | 11.0 Cs/St/H8/Tu !4x10, 100 bottom, 10,5 (014-021 _30.08.18 _ 08:24 — 09:06 
GNO09A| 53° 25.27°N | 003° 29.88°E | 28 bottom, 5 Ts 1 — — 1022-023 30.08.18 | 13:07-13:21 
GNO10 ! 53° 00.05°N ; 003° 59.80°E_} 30__!bottom, 5 1 5.0 1 Cs [= !bottom,5 1024-025 30.08.18 | 16:29-16:47 
GNO11 | 52°31.12°N ' 004° 19.62°E | 20 bottom, 5x5 = 7 CS 1 5,2«100 /bottom, 5___1026-032 30.08.18 | 20:28 — 20:59 
GNO12 | 52°00.15°N_ 003°43.37°E | 25 bottom, 2x5 — | Cs/Sr/H8/Tu!_5, 100 bottom, 5033-035 31.08.18 ! 01:10-01:35 
GNO13 | 51°42.06°N 002°51.67°E | 47 bottom, 2x5 75 | Cs/St/H3/Tu /_5, 100__!bottom, 5036-038 31.08.18 ! 05:43-06:11 
GNO14 | 52°00.08°N 001°59.97°E | Z9 ‘bottom, 2x5 ‘74.5 "Cs/St/H8/Tu !_5, 100 {bottom, 5. 1089-041 31.08.18 09:45-10:11 
GNO15 | 52°29.85°N 902°30.09°E | 47 bottom, 5 7.0 CS 1 —  ibottom, 5 042-043! 31.08.18 14:19-14:36 
GN015B! 52°49.86°N 02° 10.39°E | 42 bottom, 5 = CS 1 — bottom, 5 1044-045! 31.08.18 16:43 — 16:59 
GN016 | 53°19.74'N 01°40.23°E | 32 bottom, 4x5 = CStM8/mu__—  ibottom,5 046-051! 31.08.18 20:05 — 20:16 
GNO17 | 53°59.95°N 00° 59.86'E_! 44 bottom, 2x5 zZ u Cs __ {4x10, 100 bottom, 5 952-054 01.09.18 01:02-01:42 
GNO17A! 54° 00.02°N_ 00° 19.69°E | £3 bottom, 5 SS 955-056 _ 01.09.18 _ 03:54 — 04:18 
GN018A 55° 00.01°N_ 000° 39.97‘W !_c7 ‚bottom, 5 Zn es TtT — 1957-058, 01.09.18 _, 11:15-11:28 
GN018 | 55° 00.04 N‘ 000°00.16°W !__74 bottom, 2x5 “15.01 Cs | 10, 100_jbottom, 5 1059-061! 01.09.18 13:47-14:16 
GNO19 | 55° 00.04°N_. 001°59.86°E | 27 bottom, 2x5  _— 1 CS/St/H8/Tu_|_ 10, 100 bottom, 5062-064! 01.09.18 | 21:02-11:37 
GNO20 | 54° 59.91°N_ 004° 00.06°E_! 48. !bottom, 2x5 rn Cs 10, 100 |bottom,5___'965-067' 02.09.18 ! 04:06 — 04:40 
IGNO21 1m KR | 
an! 54°59.94°N 004° 59.56°E | 41 bottom, 5 | 15.0 | Cs | — bottom,5 !068-069| 02.09.18 | 08:04-08:12 
GNO22 55° 00.00°N | 006° 15.33'E } 44 bottom, 2x5 195 2 Os ‘bottom, 5070-072! 02.09.18 | 12:17-12:55 
GN022A| 54° 59.87'N | 007° 00.07°E | 32 bottom, 5 112.01 08 110,100. = 1073-074! 02.09.18 | 15:22 — 15:57 
GN023 | 55° 00.06 N | 007°34.97°E | 26 bottom, 2x5 176.0 | Cs/St/H8/Tu | 5, 100 bottom, 5 075-077! 02.09.18 ! 18:10-18:31. 
GNO24 | 55°00.04°N ! 007°59.88°E ! 17 bottom, 2x5 = 175,100 !bottom, 5 1078-080! 02.09.18 ! 20:26 — 20:48 

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