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Full text: North Sea Summer Survey 2017

Science Crew BSH Working Group Ship Crew Rank 
Holger Klein Marine Physics, Chief Scientist Denis Rowan ‘ Master 
Peter Löwe | Marine Physics I Adrian Byrne ! Chief Engineer 
Sören Joswig ! Marine Physics I Basil Murphy ! Chief Officer 
ane509 de a Sranda | Marine Physics ‚Barry Hooper | 2"0 Officer 
Simon Tewes ° Marine Physics David (Dave) Stack | and Engineer 
Klaus Becker ' Marine Chemistry, Radioactivity Michael Slyne !ETO 
Dr. Stefanie Schmied Marine Chemistry, Radioactivity Frank Kenny ‚ Bosun 
Roswitha Velten Marine Chemistry, Nutrients - Jimmy Moran ! Cook 
Anna Elisabeth Lau ' Marine Chemistry, Organic _ Shane Horan ' Bosun’s Mate 
Ina Raschke | Marine Chemistry, Trace Metals I Martin Goggin "AB Deckhand 06-12 
Simone Griesel ! Air Chemistry Tom Gilmartin AB Deckhand 12-06 
Maurice Murphy Assistant Cook 
- Anthony English ; Technician 
Cathal Murrin | AB Deckhand 06-12 
1 Noel O’Driscoll [AB Deckhand 12-06 
Fig. 1: The BSH crew from left to right: Simone Griesel, Ina Raschke, Anna E. Lau, Roswitha 
Velten, Sören Joswig, Klaus Becker, Holger Klein, Simon Tewes, Stefanie Schmied, 
Francisco (Kiko) de la Granda Grandoso und Peter Löwe.

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