Tuesday, August 29", 2017
02:36 — 02:54 Station GNO049 (Utsira Grund):
CTD profile with rosette sampler. RA: Cs-137.
W&S: Bft. 3, 240°, 1009 hPa, Ta = 14.9 °C, Tw= 14.9 °C, S = 34.95 psu.
06:35 — 06:48 Station GNO0048S:
Secchi depth and CTD profile with rosette sampler.
W&S: Bft. 3-4, 260°, 1008 hPa, Ta = 14.6°C, cloudy, Tw= 14.7 °C, S = 34.98 psu.
10:34 — 11:02 Station GNO048:
Secchi depth, CTD profile with rosette sampler, nutrients and MERCOS for trace
metals. RA: Cs-137, Sr-90, H-3, Pu, Am, Cm.
W&S: Bft. 4-5, 250°, 1008 hPa, Ta = 14.9 °C, overcast, Tw= 14.7 °C, S = 34.96 psu.
12:02 — 12:31 Neuston trawl for visible pollutions (ViPo 87):
Start: 59° 00.02’ N; 000° 45.10’ E
=nd: 59° 00.10’ N: 000° 41.57’ E
15:13 —- 15:30 Station GN047 (Fladengrund Rinne):
Secchi depth, CTD profile with rosette sampler and nutrients. RA: Cs-137.
W&S: Bft. 5, 240°, 1007 hPa, Ta = 14.5 °C, partly cloudy, Ty= 14.6 °C, S = 34.99
21:02 — 21:32 Station GNO046:
CTD profile with rosette sampler and MERCOS for trace metals. RA: Cs-137
W&S: Bft. 4-5, 230°, 1006 hPa, Ta = 13.6 °C, Tw= 13.0 °C, S = 35.12 psu.
23:17 — 23:32 Station GNO46A:
CTD profile with rosette sampler. RA: Cs-137, Sr-90, H-3, Pu, Am, Cm.
W&S: Bft. 5, 230°, 1005 hPa, Ta = 13.5 °C, Tw= 13.5 °C, S = 34.93 psu.
Wednesday, August 30° 25
17:00 Arrival at Aberdeen
Thursday, August 31° and Friday, September 1“, 2017
Final processing of the last water samples for RA and nutrients. The science crew made
oreparations for the second leg, cleaning of facilities.
Saturday, September 2", 2017
After lunch arrival of the new ships crew for the second leg. 15:30: Arrival of a new science
crew for the second leg. Handover of chemistry labs and last arrangements for the second
leg. Arrangements for next day the crew change. The old Celtic Explorer crew is leaving the
ship, the new crew took over. Refueling of the ship for next leg.
Sunday, September 3'°, 2017
08:00 Leg 2 science team came on board, leg 1 team return left for flights to Hamburg via