09:42 — 09:53 Station GN053B (Foula Bank):
Secchi depth, CTD profile with rosette sampler. RA: Cs-137.
W&S: Bft. 3, 190°, 1013 hPa, Ta = 13.7 °C, overcast. Tw= 12.4 °C, S = 35.19 psu.
12:22 — 12:34 Station GN053A (Sumburgh Head):
CTD profile with rosette sampler. RA: Cs-137.
W&S: Bft. 5, 190°, 1013 hPa, Ta = 14.1 °C, cloudy, T„= 14.2 °C, S = 35.15 psu.
12:40 — 13:13 Neuston trawl for visible pollutions (ViPo 86):
Start: 59° 47.99’ N; 001° 18.86’ W
=nd: 59° 49.33’ N; 001° 13.65’ W
15:38 — 16:13 Station GN053 (E-lich Shetlands):
Secchi depth, CTD profile with rosette sampler and nutrients.
RA: Cs-137, Sr-90, H-3, Pu, Am, Cm.
W&S: Bft. 4, 210°, 1012 hPa, Ta = 14.1 °C, overcast, Tw= 14.1 °C, S = 35.17 psu.
NO samples for Bedford No. 175245, Niskin bottle didn’t closed.
23:43 — 23:57 Station GN0052S:
CTD profile with rosette sampler.
W&S: Bft. 4-5, 180°, 1012 hPa, Ta = 14.4 °C, Tw= 14.3 °C. S = 35.16 psu.
Monday, August 28", 2017
00:06 — 00:32 Station GNO052 (Bergen Bank):
CTD profile with rosette sampler, nutrients and MERCOS for trace metals.
RA: Cs-137.
W&S: Bft. 4-5, 190°, 1011 hPa, Ta = 14.6 °C, Tw= 14.7 °C, S = 34.96 psu.
04:26 — 04:50 Station GNO051S:
CTD profile with rosette sampler.
W&S: Bft. 6, 170°, 1010 hPa, Ta = 14.8 °C, overcast, Tw= 14.4 °C, S = 34.98 psu.
10:13 — 10:48 Station GN051 (west of Selbjörnsfjord):
Secchi depth, CTD profile with rosette sampler, nutrients and MERCOS for trace
metals. RA: Cs-137, Sr-90, H-3, Pu, Am, Cm.
W&S: Bft. 6, 180°, 1010 hPa, Ta = 15.0 °C, overcast, rain. T= 15.6 °C, S = 32.52
15:04 — 15:27 Station GN0050S:
Secchi depth and CTD profile with rosette sampler.
W&S: Bft. 6, 190°, 1009 hPa, TA = 16.7 °C, overcast, Tw= 16.4 °C, S = 31.69 psu.
19:38 — 20:13 Station GN050 (Utsira Loch):
CTD profile with rosette sampler, nutrients and MERCOS for trace metals.
RA: Cs-137, Sr-90, H-3, Pu, Am, Cm.
W&S: Bft. 4-5, 210°, 1009 hPa, Ta = 16.5 °C, rain, Tw= 16.6 °C, S = 31.77 psu.
23:26 — 23:49 Station GNO049S:
CTD profile with rosette sampler.
W&S: Bft. 1-2, variable°, 1018 hPa, Ta = 14.6 °C, Tw= 15.2 °C, S = 33.54 psu.