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Full text: North Sea Summer Survey 2017

15:30 — 15:44 Station GN033 (east of Firth of Forth): 
Clean-CTD profile with rosette sampler and nutrients. RA: Cs-137. Trace metals. 
W&S: Bft. 4-5, 260°, 1007 hPa, Ta = 16.3 °C, cloudy, Tw= 14.7 °C, S = 34.59 psu. 
18:30 — 18:45 Station GNO033A: 
CTD profile with rosette sampler. RA: Cs-137, Sr-90, H-3, Pu, Am, Cm. 
W&S: Bft. 6, 290°, 1009 hPa, Ta = 15.6 °C cloudy, Ty= 13.9 °C, S = 34.38 psu. 
22:01 —- 22:11 Station GN0033S (Marr Bank): 
CTD profile with rosette sampler. 
W&S: Bft. 5, 280°, 1011 hPa, Ta = 14.6 °C, Tw= 13.3 °C, S = 34.63 psu. 
Sunday, August 20", 2017 
01:37 — 01:52 Station GNO34A: 
CTD profile with rosette sampler. RA: Cs-137, Sr-90, H-3, Pu, Am, Cm. 
W&S: Bft. 3-4, 290°, 1013 hPa, Ta = 14.2 °C, Tw= 13.9 °C, S = 34.69 psu. 
04:07 — 04:26 Station GN034 (Aberdeen Bank): 
Secchi depth, Clean-CTD profile with rosette sampler and nutrients. RA: Cs-137. 
Trace metals. 
W&S: Bft. 4-5, 280°, 1014 hPa, Ta = 14.2 °C, cloudy, Tw= 13.7 °C, S = 34.77 psu. 
08:19 — 08:33 Station GNO0034S: 
Secchi depth, CTD profile with rosette sampler. 
W&S: Bft. 5-6, 310°, 1016 hPa, Ta = 14.5 °C, cloudy, Tw= 15.3 °C, S = 34.79 psu. 
13:00 — 13:13 Station GN035 (Coal Pitt): 
Secchi depth, CTD profile with rosette sampler and nutrients. RA: Cs-137. 
W&S: Bft. 5-6, 320°, 1018 hPa, Ta = 15.6 °C, cloudy, Tw= 15.5 °C, S = 34.81 psu. 
13:15 — 16:00 Two 600 litre containers have been flushed and filled with sea water for 
‘he nutrient lab. 
17:04 — 17:22 Station GN0035S: 
Secchi depth, CTD profile with rosette sampler. 
W&S: Bft. 5-6, 320°, 1019 hPa, Ta = 15.0 °C, cloudy, Tw= 15.9 °C, S = 34.80 psu. 
21:12 — 21:33 Station GNO036: 
Clean-CTD profile with rosette sampler and nutrients. RA: Cs-137, Sr-90, H-3, Pu, 
Am, Cm. Trace metals. 
W&S: Bft. 5, 320°, 1019 hPa, Ta = 15.2 °C, Tw= 16.1 °C, S = 34.73 psu. 
The outer blue plastic cover of the Clean-CTD cable was damaged during 
deployment ca. 1 m above the CTD. The cover was sealed with two layers of 
selfbonding tape and a second cover of Scotch tape. 
Monday, August 21°, 2017 
v 02:49 — 03:05 Station GN037 (Große Fischerbank): 
CTD profile with rosette sampler and nutrients. RA: Cs-137. 
W&S: Bft. 6, 320°, 1019 hPa, Ta = 14.5 °C, Tw= 16.5 °C, S = 34.72 psu. 

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