Equipment and Methods
Marine Physics:
CTD 1 Seabird SBE 911+:
SBE9, S/N 0577 (pressure); SBE3, S/N 2584 (temperature); SBE4, S/N 2886
(Conductivity); SBE 43, S/N 0180 (oxygen).
WetLabs ECO fluorimeter, S/N FLNTURTB-3427 for turbidity and chlorophyll
Rosette water sampler with twelve 10-liter bottles.
Shipbased Seabird thermosal SBE 21 and Turner Fluorimeter for turbidity and
Oxygen determination according to Winkler-Carpenter by means of a SIS Dissolved
Oxygen Analyser (DOA) with photometric end point determination at selected depths.
Continuous pH determination via the sea water pipe.
Continuous phosphate, silicate (MiniMon), nitrite and nitrate determination via the sea
water pipe and daily reference samples.
Determination of the pH value (CTD samples).
Determination of depth of visibility by means of a Secchi disk at daylight stations.
Filtration of surface water samples and freezing of the glass fiber filters for the
determination of chlorophyll according to Jeffrey and Humphrey after the cruise.
Determination of alkalinity of sea water.
Samples for the determination of 13C/12C at DIC (for IOW)
“ Sammples for the determination of 2H/1H and 180/160 ratio (for IOW)
2 x 35 I surface water for the extraction of strontium 90 after the cruise.
One liter surface samples for the analysis of tritium after the cruise.
100 | surface samples for the determination of plutonium und americium on board.
270 | samples taken at selected stations at great depths for the determination of
strontium and tritium after the cruise and of cesium, plutonium, and americium on board.
Three 600 | surface water samples for test purposes after the cruise.
100-150 I surface water samples for the on-board analysis of cesium-137 by means of a
jon exchanger.
Atmospheric Chemistry
Continuous trace gas analysis of nitric oxides (NOx, NO und NO»), of sulphur dioxide
(SO>»), by ozone (Os), and of carbon dioxide (CO») by means of Airpointer (Co.
Remote sensing of NO», SO», and O» by MAX-DOAS measurements (Multi-axis
Differential Absorption Spectroscopy, Institute of Environmental Physics, University of