Appendix 6: Station List
Positions are taken at the beginning of the stations! Radioactivity: Cs = Cesium-137; Strontium-90 = Sr; Plutonium = Pu; Tritium = H3
latitude longitude | depth. water Sampling 1 det radio- Bere | date me
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'STADE_| 53° 36.94‘ N_| 009° 32.80‘ E | 14 - 1 Cs/SV/Pu/H3 ' i 08.08.15 _! 07:37 — 07:49
MEDEM 53°52.94‘N 008° 43.00°E 17 Cs/Sr/Pu/H3 08.08.15 | 10:58-11:11
SENel 54° 00.07‘N 008° 06,67‘E | 24 ‚bottom, 5 Cs/Sr/Pu/H3 08.08.15 . 13:10 — 13:31
GNO003A 54° 00.02‘°N 007° 10.52‘°E | _31_ Bottom, 5 __ 8 | Cs/Sr/Pu/H3 ‘ 003-004 08.08.15 | 16:32 — 16:47
GN007_!| 53° 56.97‘N 006° 25.08‘ E 27 ibottom, 5 Cs/Sr/Pu/H3 005-006 08.08.15 20:03 — 20:19
GN007A! 54° 00.15°N 205° 40.08‘ E 37 ‘Bottom, 5 Cs/Sr/Pu/H3 2007-008 08.08.15 23:01-23:19
GN008 ‘ 54° 00.15°N 904° 49.89‘ E 4° ‚bottom, 5 009-010 09.08.15 02:27 — 02:41
GN008Si 54° 00.03‘N 003° 55.08‘ E 4P bottom, 5 011-012 09.08.15 06:18 -— 06:27
GNO009_ | 53° 59.99°N_ 003° 00.16‘ E ‘bottom, 5 013-014 09.08.15 09:33 — 09:48
GNO009S! 53° 59.96‘N_ 002° 00.18‘ E bottom, 5 015-016 09.08.15 13:22 — 13:41
GNO09A! 53° 25.22‘°N_ 003°29.73‘ E ‚bottom, 5 017-018 09.08.15 20:07-20:18
GNO09B! 53° 19.84‘N_| 004° 25.35‘ E ibottom, 5 019-020 09.08.15 ‚23:48 — 00:05
GNO010 _: 52° 59.97‘ N_| 004° 00.07‘E_ _. _ bottom, 5 021-022 10.08.15 ; 03:18 — 03:35
GNO011_! 52° 30.63‘N_! 004° 19.36°E_* _*“ bottom, 5 4.0 - 023-024 ! 10.08.15 ! 06:50 — 06:59
GNO012 ! 52° 00.10‘N _! 003° 44.15°E ! ‘7 bottom, 5 ‘ 45 !| Cs/St/Pu/H3 025-026 _! 10.08.15 | 11:44 — 11:57
GN013 : 51°42.00°N_ | 002°51.33'E_| .”_ bottom, 5 65 | Cs/Sr/Pu/H3 027-028 ! 10.08.15 | 16:00 — 16:15
GN014 ‘| 51°59.95°N_ 002° 00.11‘°E | * _ bottom, 5 - ii Cs/Srt/Pu/H3 029-030 _! 10.08.15 ! 19:57 — 20:08 -
GN015 _! 52° 30.20°N_ 002° 30.12‘°E ! 4‘ bottom, 5 Cs 031-032 _* 10.08.15 * 23:34 — 23:46
GN015B! 52° 49.75°N_ 002° 10.46‘ E 4% ‘bottom, 5 033-034 | 11.08.15 02:05 — 02:19
GN016_; 53°19.77’N_ 001° 40.26‘ E 32 bottom, 2 x 5 035-037 _! 11.08.15 06:08 — 06:18
GN017_: 53° 59.86‘°N_ 001° 00.12‘ E 44 bottom, 2 x 5 038-040 ! 11.08.15 10:44 — 10:55
GN017A! 54° 00.02‘N_! 000° 20.04‘E _! 55 ‚bottom, 5 041-042 ! 11.08.15 13:22-13:38
GN017S} 54° 29.92‘N_| 000° 10.16‘ W_ | tlI__ bottom, 5 043-044 | 11.08.15 | 17:10-17:23
GN018A! 55° 00.01‘N_| 000° 40.27‘ W_|_E€7 bottom, 5 Cs 045-046 | 11.08.15 |! 21:01-21:13
GN018 ! 55° 00.05‘N ! 000° 00.15‘ W_! 7E bottom, 5 VL Cs ; 047-048 | 11.08.15 ! 23:36 — 23:54 !
GN018S! 54° 59.95‘ N_| 001° 00.03‘E | 64 ‘bottom, 5 DE - _ 049-050 ! 12.08.15 ! 03:08 — 03:25 |
GN019 | 55° 00.00°N_| 001° 59.85°E _| 26 bottom, 2 x 5 ' 13.5" - 051-053 | 12.08.15 | 06:43 — 06:55 ]
GN019S: 55° 00.00°N_: 002° 59.86‘°E_ | 25 bottom, 5 Me. i 054-055 | 12.08.15 |! 10:20-10:34
GNO020 | 55° 00.03‘N | 003° 59.96°E |! 48 ‘bottom, 2 x 5 i 150 |! Cs ı 056-058 | 12.08.15 ! 14:16 — 14:35
ann! 55°00.10°N | 005° 00.00°E | 41 bottom, 5 ‘Cs | 059-060 | 12.08.15 ! 18:30 -— 18:42
GN022 | 54°59.97‘N_!| 006° 14.66°E ! 45 bottom, 5 Cs | 061-062 | 12.08.15 | 23:06-23:18]