W&S 04:30: Bft. 4, 200°, 1017 hPa, Ta = 18.8 °C, cloudy. Tw = 18.6 °C, 34.47 psu.
06:50 — 06:51 Station GN011 (west of Ijmuiden)
Secchi depth, CTD profile with rosette sampler and nutrients.
Extended patches of read algae blooms between GN011 and GN012.
11:44 — 11:57 Station GNO012 (west of Hoek van Holland):
Secchi depth and CTD profile with rosette sampler. RA: Cs-137, Sr-90, Pu, H-3.
W&S 14:00: Bft. 3, 245°, 1017 hPa, Ta = 19.4 °C, cloudy. Tw = 19.7 °C, 34.43 psu.
16:00 — 16:15 Station GN013 (Rabsbank):
Secchi depth and CTD profile with rosette sampler. RA: Cs-137, Sr-90, Pu, H-3.
19:57 - 20:08 Station GN014 (Outer Gabbard):
CTD profile with rosette sampler. RA: Cs-137, Sr-90, Pu, H-3.
W&S 20:30: Bft. 5, 220°, 1016 hPa, Ta = 19.9 °C, cloudy. Tw = 18.9 °C, 34.92 psu.
23:34 — 23:46 Station GN015 (east of Lowestoft):
CTD profile with rosette sampler. RA: Cs-137.
Tuesday, August 11", 2015
02:05 — 02:19 Station GN015B:
Secchi depth and CTD profile with rosette sampler.
W&S 05:00: Bft. 3-4, 10°, 1017 hPa, Ta = 17.7 °C, clear sky. Tw= 16.8 °C, 34.15 psu.
06:08 — 06:18 Station GN016 (Haddock Bank):
Secchi depth, CTD profile with rosette sampler and nutrients.
W&S 10:00: Bft. 3, 320°, 1020 hPa, Ta = 16.9 °C, clear sky. Tw= 15.5 °C, 34.61 psu.
10:44 — 10:55 Station GN017 (east of Flamborough Head):
Secchi depth and CTD profile with rosette sampler. RA: Cs-137. Nutrients.
13:22 — 13:38 Station GNO017A:
Secchi depth and CTD profile with rosette sampler. RA: Cs-137, Sr-90, Pu, H-3.
W&S 14:00: Bft. 3, 130°, 1021 hPa, Ta = 17.9 °C, cloudy. Tw = 15.3 °C, 34.03 psu.
17:10 — 17:23 Station GN0017S:
CTD profile with rosette sampler.
TN 17:35 — 18:10: Tow of the neuston net for micro plastics with 3 kn.
W&S 18:00: Bft. 4, 150°, 1022 hPa, Ta = 15.6 °C, cloudy. Tw = 15.6 °C, 34.13 psu.
21:01 — 21:13 Station GNO018A:
CTD profile with rosette sampler. RA: Cs-137.
23:36 — 23:54 Station GN018 (Baymans Hole):
CTD profile with rosette sampler. RA: Cs-137, Sr-90, Pu, H-3.