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Full text: North Sea Summer Survey 2015

Ü lary 
Time: UTC 
Specifications regarding fixed stations, ship stops for vertical CTD profiles and 
water sampling. 
Tow of neuston net with 3 kn for sampling of micro plastics. 
Weather & Sea: Ta = air temperature, Tw = water temperature at 4 m depth 
Tw and salinity data are raw data from the ships thermosal SBE 21. 
Radioactivity, sea water samples are taken for the following artificial nuclides: 
Cs-137 = cesium-137; Sr-90 = strontium-90; Pu = plutonium, H-3 = tritium. If no 
samplers are used, samples are taken from the Seawater pipe. 
Watch table Marine Physics: 
00-04/12-16: Christian 
04-08/16-20: Peter 
08-12/20-00: Sören 
Friday, August 7“, 2015 
06:45: Arrival of the science crew at Celtic Explorer. Berth: Bützflethersand, Am Seehafen 
(BUSS Terminal Stade). 
08:30: Arrival of containers and equipment and start of loading by use of the local crane. 
Interview by Mrs. Volquardsen (NDR 90,3) and NDR Niedersachsen TV team (Mr. 
Schuch). Telephone interview by Mr. Junge (NDR Hörfunk Flensburg). 
Preparation of the dry and wet lab and installation of sensor systems. 
15:00: Security instructions by the second mate Diarmuid Joyce. 
Saturday, August 8", 2015 
W&S 05:00: Bit. 1. 330°, 1018 hPa, Ta = 20.1 °C, overcast. 
Klaus Becker must leave the vessel due to unexpected health problems. 
57:10 Salling. 
J 07:37 — 07:49 Station STADE: 
RA: Cs-137, Sr-90, Pu, H-3. 
W&S 08:00: Bft. 4, 360°, 1020 hPa, Ta = 20.5 °C, clear sky. 
J 10:58 — 11:11 Station MEDEM: 
RA: Cs-137, Sr-90, Pu, H-3. 
W&S 10:00: Bft. 4, 360°, 1021 hPa. Ta = 19.4 °C. clear sky.

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