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Full text: North Sea Summer Survey 2013

Science Crew Working Group 
Holger Klein ! Marine Physics, Chief Scientist 
Andreas Pfeiffer Tarine Physics 
Sören Joswig Marine Physics N 
Jan Reißmann | Marine Physics nn 
Peter Löwe | Marine Physics 
Manfred Schimanski Marine Physics 
Christian Senet Marine Physics 
Wiebke Brandt Marine Chemistry, Nutrients 
Roswitha Velten ' Marine Chemistry, Nutrients 
Stefanie Schmied ' Marine Chemistry, Radioactivity 
Anke Gottschalk | Marine Chemistry, Radioactivity 
Elke Hammermeister ' Marne Chemisty, Organic 
Ships Crew Rank 
ı Antony Hobin I Master 
Damien McCalling ı Chief Engineer 
Kenny Downing | Chief Officer 
Adam O’Rahilly 1 2"7 Officer 
David Stack | 2" Engineer | 
Paul Wray IETO 
Frank Kenny I Bosun 
Tony Reck Cook I 
Ken O’Neill » Bosun’s Mate 
Martin Goggin | AB Deckhand GP1 
Alec Carty | AB Deckhand GP1 
Mark Masson | Assistant Cook 
Declan Horan | AB Deckhand GP1 
Tim O’Brien | AB Deckhand GP1 
N han 
Jan, Sören, Wiebke, Andreas, Roswitha, Holger, Elke, Anke, Manfred, Stefanie, Christian & Peter. 
Seite 3 von 30

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