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Full text: North Sea Summer Survey 2013

Anhang 1: Probenstatistik 
CTD-profiles with rosette: 
Secchi depth: . 
Transit stations for radioactivity: 
Dissolved nutrients 
‚Chlorophyll: 3 
Phytoplankton: 22 
Polar organic contaminants: 
Un-polar organic contaminants: 
Radioactivity (artificial nuclides): 
"62 stations 
42 stations (daylight stations only) 
225 samples 
18 stations 
30 samples 
200 samples 
200 samples 
120 samples 
60 stations (surface) _ 
78 samples 
11 samples 
57 samples a 2 30-I-drums Strontium-90 (pure) 
57 samples 1-I-bottles Tritium (pure) 
94 samples a 100 | Plutonium (concentrated) 
91 samples a 150 | Caesium-137 (concentrated) 
Seite 27 von 30

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