Time on station is given in UTC+2, as local time on ATO0O06-2 was UTC+2 and corresponds to
watch times. (In the station list time is given in UTC)
For every day noon time weather, stations during the day and special occurrences are given.
TA = air temperature, Tw = water temperature at the surface,
S = salinity at 5 m depth (calculated from CTD temperature and conductivity; see CTD btl-
PA= air pressure, RH = relative humidity
definition cloud cover
0/8 sky clear —
_1/8 of covered or less, but not zero nn
2/8 of sky covered
3/8 of sky covered
4/8 of sky covered
5/8 of sky covered
6/8 of sky covered
| 7/8 of sky covered or more, but not 8/8
8/8 of sky completely covered, no breaks
Watch tables:
Marine physics/CTD:
J0-04/12-16: Manuela Köllner
I34-08/16-20: Peter Löwe
I8-12/20-00: Simon Tewes
fine )
fine '
partly cloudy
partly cloudy
partly cloudy_'
cloudy )
Secchi/Chlorophyll/Neuston Net:
07-16: Lena Lingenfelder
15-24: Lynn van Bernem