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Full text: North Sea Summer Survey 2021

Equipment and Methods 
Marine Physics: 
Vertical CTD profiles (temperature, conductivity, pressure, chlorophyll, turbidity, oxygen, 
pH) and 10 | water samples at selected depths at all stations. 
CTD profiles were processed in near-real-time on board and sent to the German 
Dceanographic Data Centre (DOD): They were made available via 
These data are only visually checked and will be quality controlled ashore after the survey. 
Especially salinities, calculated from temperature, conductivity and pressure from the CTD, 
will be compared with ashore analysed salinities from water samples resulting in the possibly 
correction of CTD Conduectivity/salinity. 
[ CTD station 1-95: 
Sonde S$1, 
SBE911+ 09P21787 
Deck Unit CTD 
Rosette 1 
Turbidity meter 
Oximeter S2 
Altimeter - 
- calibration 
sensor manufact. model serial no. date 
press Sea-Bird SBE9P 577 06.02.19 
temp Sea-Bird SBE3T 5290 23.06.21 
cond Sea-Bird SBE4C 3772 23.06.21 
temp2 Sea-Bird SBE3T 4753 23.06.21 
cond2 Sea-Bird SBE4C 2378 23.06.21 
Sea-Bird SBE11+ 0620 
"“12x10L (Niskin) 
Wetlabs WetlabECO 4964 15.01.18 
Wetlabs WetlabECO m 2%) 
Sea-Bird SBE43 153 25.03.21 
Teledyne Benthos 978 14.03.02 
a Sea-Bird SBE18 1419 XX.XX.XX 

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