Australia — East Coast — Queensland.
ItcvolthiK: liirSit on Siimly C apo.
The Colonial Government of Queensland
has given Notice, that probably in the month
of January 1870, a light will be exhibited
from a lighthouse recently erected on Sandy
Die light will be a revolving light, at
taining its greatest brilliancy every two mi
nutes, elevated 385 feet above the level of
the sea, and in clear weather should be seen
from a distance of 26 mil 's, being six miles
beyond the end of Breaksea spit.
The illuminating apparatus is dioptric or
by lenses, of the iirst order.
The tower is 97 feet high, and is painted
Note: — Vessels should not attempt to
make the light on a southerly bearing except
in very line weather.
Also, that due notice will be given of
the date of the exhibition of the light, and
the necessary directions published for its use
in rounding Breaksea spit.
j^llldiflr von 3uflrülifn. — Cumiolanti.
ITreftfeiicr auf Obäfje.
> Januar b. V v feilte auf bem fürjlid) er>
bauten Peiidütburm ju Santo Gapc ein T'reb»
feuer anejejünbet werben, welches feinen größten
GHanj alle 2 SDlimiten evveid't, 385' über ber
SReeree fickte [iocb ift unb in ftarem SBetter 25 See*
ineiten, alfr t> Seemeilen über bie "}iu?läufet rrn
'Breaffea fpit binau?, fiditbar fein feil, l'infen*
apparat elfter Crbmmg. Cer 1*7' (wbc Slnirm
ift n-eifi gemalt. 3!uv in febr gutem ©etter frll*
ten Schiffe biefe? Jener cett ÜSorben ber in Siebt
73. Killing up of (lie \orth rlinuiirl,
I'orl II eiaison.
The Nortli channel, Port Denison, has
silted up 2 feet, there being now only 14
, at low water springs, instead of 1G feet,
as formerly.
The South channel still retains a depth
of 22 feet.
Mariners are cautioned accordingly.
(72. 73. Not. to Mar. No. 16. 8th February 1870.)
^crfladiiutf^ bee ttorblicbeit ÎÇabr*
(Baffere ;ii fliort 'î'citifou.
t'a? nërbliée Jabrtraffer Bon 'fieri tenifon
bat fìtb um 2 ierflactt. (S? fttib barin jefit nur
14’ Jiefe bei Sîiebrigtrafïer Springreit. aiiftatt,
nie trüber, lf>’. t)a? füblid'e Jalmraffer bat поф
?2' iiefe.
■J4. Torres Strait — Western channels.
The Portmaster of Brisbane, Queensland,
has forwarded the following information re
lative to a small sunken rock of East Strait
Strafe. — №r|tlict)f iatirioafTer.
Cèbrourbo 9tocf.
Sine fleine blinbe «lippe, „Gbwarbi 8 ¡Rod* be-
nannt, if! burcb Gapitain Gbwarb? bom Schiffe
„SMelanie* bei Gaft Strait 4 f?lanb in ber 'Hübe